Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Voruz, P., Constantin, I.M., Chassot, E., Thomasson, M., Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. (2025). Cognitive Health After Cerebellar Stroke: Potential Link between Socio-Educational Status and Memory Outcome. The Cerebellum.
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Guedj, E., Cionca, A., Péron, J. A., Ayubcha, C., Assal, F., Horowitz, T., & Alavi, A. (2024). Long Coronavirus Disease and the Brain: Molecular Neuroimaging Insights into Neurologic and Psychiatric Sequelae. PET clinics.
Voruz, P., Grandjean, D., Drapier, S., Drapier. D., Vérin. M., Péron. JA., (2024). Differential effects of disease duration and dopaminergic replacement therapy on vocal emotion recognition in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Voruz, P., Orepic, P., Coll, S. Y., Haemmerli, J., Blanke, O., Péron, J. A., ... & Iannotti, G. R. (2024). Self-other voice discrimination task: A potential neuropsychological tool for clinical assessment of self-related deficits. Heliyon.
Nuber-Champier, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I. J., Cionca, A., Allali, G., Lalive, P.H., Benzakour, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L, Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Assal F., & Péron, J. A. (2024). Systemic cytokines related to cognitive function 6-9 months and 12-15 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Scientific Reports.
Péron JA. (Accepted). Challenges and Prospects in Advancing Clinical Neuropsychology. Cortex.
Lingenberg, A., Herrmann, F.R., Armand, S., Péron, J.A., Assal, F., & Allali, G. (Accepted). Forget about memory: disentangling the amnestic syndrome in idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Manto, M., Adamaszek, M., Apps, R., Carlson, E., Guarque-Chabrera, J., Heleven, E., Shinji, K., Khodakhah, K., Kuo, S-H., Lin, C-Y., Joshua, M., Miquel, M., Mitoma, H., Larry, N., Péron, J A., Pickford, J., Schutter, D., Singh, M., Tan, T., Tanaka, H., Tsai, P., & Yamashiro, K. (Accepted). Consensus paper: Cerebellum and Reward. The Cerebellum.
PhD thesis
Oral communications
Relations longitudinales entre les performances cognitives et les profils de biomarqueurs en fonction de l’asymétrie motrice dans la maladie de Parkinson. Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française 2024, Paris, France. [e-poster]
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Invited lectures
Oral communications
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Contributions to books
PhD thesis
Master thesis
Invited talks
Oral communications
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Master thesis
Invited talks
Oral communications
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Master thesis
Invited talks
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Invited talks
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Master thesis
Contributions to books
Invited talks
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Master thesis
Oral communications
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Master thesis
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Oral communications
Action Editor
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Contributions to books
Oral communications
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Contributions to books
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings