
2025 or In Press

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals

  • Voruz, P., Constantin, I.M., Chassot, E., Thomasson, M., Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. (2025). Cognitive Health After Cerebellar Stroke: Potential Link between Socio-Educational Status and Memory Outcome. The Cerebellum.


Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals

  • Guedj, E., Cionca, A., Péron, J. A., Ayubcha, C., Assal, F., Horowitz, T., & Alavi, A. (2024). Long Coronavirus Disease and the Brain: Molecular Neuroimaging Insights into Neurologic and Psychiatric Sequelae. PET clinics.

  • Voruz, P., Grandjean, D., Drapier, S., Drapier. D., Vérin. M., Péron. JA., (2024). Differential effects of disease duration and dopaminergic replacement therapy on vocal emotion recognition in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases.

  • Voruz, P., Orepic, P., Coll, S. Y., Haemmerli, J., Blanke, O., Péron, J. A., ... & Iannotti, G. R. (2024). Self-other voice discrimination task: A potential neuropsychological tool for clinical assessment of self-related deficits. Heliyon.

  • Nuber-Champier, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I. J., Cionca, A., Allali, G., Lalive, P.H., Benzakour, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L, Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Assal F., & Péron, J. A. (2024). Systemic cytokines related to cognitive function 6-9 months and 12-15 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Scientific Reports. 

  • Péron JA. (Accepted). Challenges and Prospects in Advancing Clinical Neuropsychology. Cortex.

  • Lingenberg, A., Herrmann, F.R., Armand, S., Péron, J.A., Assal, F., & Allali, G. (Accepted). Forget about memory: disentangling the amnestic syndrome in idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

  • Manto, M., Adamaszek, M., Apps, R., Carlson, E., Guarque-Chabrera, J., Heleven, E., Shinji, K., Khodakhah, K., Kuo, S-H., Lin, C-Y., Joshua, M., Miquel, M., Mitoma, H., Larry, N., Péron, J A., Pickford, J., Schutter, D., Singh, M., Tan, T., Tanaka, H., Tsai, P., & Yamashiro, K. (Accepted). Consensus paper: Cerebellum and Reward. The Cerebellum.

  • Tipura, E., Jacot De Alcantara, I., Mantelli, A., Duong Phan Thanh, L., Fischer, A., Vuilleumier, P., & Ronchi, R. (2024). I don’t feel sick: Cognitive and affective processing of self-health associations using the Implicit Association Test. Journal of Health Psychology, 13591053241233509.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca, A., Assal, F., Péron, JA. (2024). Response: Limbic system damage following SARS-CoV2 infection. Brain Communications5(6), fcad342.
  • Péron, J. A. (2024). Beyond corticocentrism in human neuropsychology: Discoveries unattainable 60 years ago. Cortex. 170, 64-68.
  • Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Guérin, D., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nencha, U., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, BN, Assal , F. and Peron, J. (2024). Persistence and emergence of new neuropsychological deficits following SARS-CoV-2 infection: a follow-up evaluation of the Geneva COVID-COG cohort. Journal of Global Health.14.
  • Benis, D., Voruz, P., Catalano Chiuvé, S., Garibotto, V., Assal, F., Paul, K., Peron, J. and Fleury, F. (2024). Electroencephalographic abnormalities in a patient with long-term neuropsychological complications following SARS-Cov2 infection. Case reports in neurology16(1), 6.


PhD thesis


Oral communications

  • Voruz, P. The impact of motor asymmetry on non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Annual Research Forum (ARF). Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., & Peron, J. A. (2024). The economic burden of post-COVID-19 condition: underestimated long-term consequences of neuropsychological deficits. Geneva Health Forum (GHF) – Qualified for Speedtalks (top 4). Geneva, Switzerland.



  • Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., de Alcântara, I. J., Allali, G., ... & Péron, J. A. (2023). Acute TNFα levels predict cognitive impairment 6–9 months after COVID-19 infection. Annual conference of the clinical research centre of the University Hospitals of Geneva. 
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Voruz, P., Allali, G., Lalive, P., M.P., & Péron, J.A. (2024). Encompassing the Complexity of Personality to Understand its Impact on Disability in Multiple Sclerosis. MS State of the Art Symposium. Luzern, Switzerland.
  • Constantin, I.M., Voruz, P., Nuber-Champier, A. and Péron, J.A. (2024).

    Relations longitudinales entre les performances cognitives et les profils de biomarqueurs en fonction de l’asymétrie motrice dans la maladie de Parkinson. Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française 2024, Paris, France. [e-poster]


Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals

  • Thomasson†, M., Voruz†, P., Cionca, A., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, K. -O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, BN, Griffa, A. , Van De Ville, D., Assal F. and Péron, JA (2023). Markers of limbic system damage following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Brain Communications. † These authors participated equally in this work.
  • Constantin, IM, Voruz, P. and Péron, JA (2023). Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on cognition and psychiatric symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson's disease. Biology of sex differences, 14 (1), 1-11 .
  • Zacharia, A., Kaski, D., Bouthour, W., Dayal, V., Bereau, M., Mahlknecht, P., Georgiev, D., Péron, JA, Foltynie, T., Zrinzo, L., Jahanshahi , M., Rothwell, J. and Limousin, P. (2023). Effects of deep brain stimulation frequency on eye movements and cognitive control. Npj Parkinson's disease , 9(1) .
  • Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Allali, G., Lalive, PH, Benzakour, L., Lövblad, K.-O. Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L, Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, BN, Griffa, A., Van De Ville , D., Assal, F., & Péron, JA (2023). Acute TNFα levels predict cognitive impairment 6-9 months after COVID-19 infection. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 153 , 106104.
  • Nuber-Champier, A., Voruz, P., Cionca, A., De Alcântara, IJ, Péron, JA and Assal, F. (2023). Covid long: neurological aspects. Revue Médicale Suisse, 19 (827), 972-974.
  • Voruz, P., Jacot De Alcântara, I., Cionca, A., Nuber-Champier, A., Assal, F. and Peron, JA (2023). Post-COVID-19 neuropsychological syndrome. Revue Médicale Suisse, 19 (824), 800-802.
  • Thomasson, M., & Péron, JA (2023). Role of the cerebellum in emotion. Revue de neuropsychologie , 15, 7-16.
  • Thomasson, M., Ceravolo, L., Corradi-Dell'Acqua, C., Mantelli, A., Saj, A., Assal, F., ... & Péron, J. (2023). Cerebellar-cerebral network dysfunction associated with vocal emotion recognition disorders. Communications from the cerebral cortex .
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F. and Péron, JA (2023). The economic burden of post-COVID-19 illness: underestimated long-term consequences of neuropsychological deficits. Journal of Global Health, 13 .
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Voruz, P., Allali, G., Fragnoli, C., Antoniou, MP, Lalive, PH & Péron, JA (2023). Personality as a predictor of disability in multiple sclerosis. Archives of clinical neuropsychology.
  • Voruz, P., Haegelen, C., Assal, Sophie Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Vérin, M., Péron, JA, (2023). Motor symptom asymmetry predicts cognitive and neuropsychiatric profile following deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease: a 5-year longitudinal study. Archives of clinical neuropsychology.
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Voruz, P. ; Cionca, A., Assal, F., Péron, JA (2023). Cognitive deficits during the acute phase of COVID-19: a review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine , 12(762). jcm12030762


Invited lectures

  • Péron, J. (2023). Emotional processing in Parkinson's disease .  Journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), 23 May, Caen, France.


Oral communications

  • Jacot de Alcântara, I. (2023). Rôle de la personnalité sur le handicap dans la sclérose en plaques. Nurse Expert Meeting Romandie. Genève, Suisse.
    Cionca, A., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, KO., Braillard, O., Nehme , M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, JL., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, BN, Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., Péron, JA (2023). Brain network dynamics associated with self-awareness disorders 6-9 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Oral communication, OHBM 2023 Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada
  • Voruz, P., Cionca, A., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Lamyae Benzakour, Marine Thomasson, Patrice H. Lalive, Karl-Olof Lövblad, Olivia Braillard, Mayssam Nehme , Matteo Coen, Jacques Serratrice, Jérôme Pugin, Idris Guessous, Basile N. Landis, Dan Adler, Alessandra Griffa, Dimitri Van De Ville, Frédéric Assal, & Péron, JA (2023). The COVID-COG project. Closing conference of NRP 78, 21 March, Thun, Switzerland.
  • Cionca, A., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, KO., Braillard, O., Nehme , M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, JL., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, BN, Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., & Péron, JA (2023). Brain network dynamics associated with self-consciousness disorders in post-COVID-19 neuropsychological conditions: brainstem bridge fMRI co-activation patterns. European Conference on Clinical Neuroimaging (ECCN), 14 March Genoa, Italy.



  • Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Allali, G., Lalive, P.H., Benzakour, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L, Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. Acute TNFα levels predict cognitive impairment 6-9 months after COVID-19 infection. ASNP, Journée Romande de Neuropsychologie. Sion 2023. *** Best Poster Award ***
  • Cionca, A., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, K-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., Péron, J.A. Brain network dynamics associated with self-awareness disorders 6 to 9 months following SARS-CoV-2 infection. (2023). Poster, OHBM Annual Meeting 2023. Montréal, Canada.
  • Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Motor symptom asymmetry predicts emotional and cognitive theory of mind outcome following STN DBS in Parkinson's disease. World Parkinson Congress 2023, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Constantin, I. M., Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on cognition and psychiatric symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. World Parkinson Congress 2023, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Cionca, A., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P.,Lövblad, K-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. (2023). Brain network dynamics associated with self-awareness disorders in neuropsychological post-COVID-19 condition: fMRI co-activation patterns of the brainstem pons. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry, Switzerland.
  • Thomasson, M., Ceravolo, L., Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C., Mantelli, A., Saj, A., Assal, A., Grandjean, D., & Péron, J (2023). Dysfunctional cerebello-cerebral network associated with vocal emotion impairments. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry, Switzerland.


  • Péron, J., Gruber, T., & Grandjean, D. (published 2/9/2022) Comments to Thibault et al. Tool use and language share syntactic processes and neural patterns in the basal ganglia. Science.


Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Contributions to books

  • Thomasson, M., & Péron, J. (2022). Principles of Brain and Emotion: Beyond the Cortico-Centric Bias. In The Emotional Cerebellum (pp. 13-24). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Pierce, J. E., & Péron, J. A. (2022). Reward-Based Learning and Emotional Habit Formation in the Cerebellum. In The Emotional Cerebellum (pp. 125-140). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


PhD thesis


Master thesis

  • Verger, H. (2022). Développement d’un questionnaire sur les habitudes. Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.
  • Charpilloz, P. (2022). Les conséquences neuropsychologiques à la suite d’une infection au SARS-CoV-2 : l’ anosognosie des déficits mnésiques est-elle indicatrice de la présence de troubles mnésiques et émotionnels ? Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie


Invited talks

  • Péron, J. (2022). Beyond the cortico-centric vision: contribution of the neuropsychology of emotion. Journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), May 23, Evian, France.
  • Thomasson, M. (2022). Emotional role of the cerebellum. Journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), May 23, Evian, France.
  • Péron, J. (2022). Neuropsychological post-COVID syndrome. Academic Colloquium of the Leenaards Memory Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P. (2022). Motor symptom asymmetry in Parkinson’s disease and cognition. Academic Colloquium of the Leenaards Memory Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Thomasson, M. « Le rôle du cervelet dans les fonctions cognitives et émotionnelles ». (2022). Academic Colloquium of the Leenaards Memory Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Oral communications

  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., & Péron, J.A (2022). Neuropsychologie et sclérose en plaques. Soirée d'information Suisse SEP. Genève, Suisse.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., Péron, JA., (2022). Neuropsychological post-COVID-19 condition. Journée Romande de Neurologie. University Hospitals of Geneva.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ? Annual Research Forum (ARF). Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J.A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ? Centre d’Imagerie Bio-Médicale (CIBM) Research Day, June 1st, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J.A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ? Annual Research Day at the University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.



  • Thomasson, M., Ceravolo, L., Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C., Mantelli, A., Saj, A., Assal, A., Grandjean, D., & Péron, J. (2022). Cerebellar contributions to human vocal emotion recognition. International Society for Research on Emotion, Los Angeles, Etats-Unis.
  • Thomasson, M., Cionca, A., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P.,Lövblad, K-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen,M., Serratrice, J., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Adler, D., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. (2022). Neuropsychological evidence of long-term limbic system dysfunctioning following SARS-CoV-2. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry, Switzerland.
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Voruz, P., Allali, G., Lalive, P., Fragnoli, C., Antoniou, M.P., Péron, J.A. (2022). Personality as a predictor of disability in Multiple Sclerosis. CISA Annual Research Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Constantin IM, Voruz P, Péron JA. Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on non-motor symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson's disease (2022). CISA Annual Research Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Cionca, A., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, K-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Ptak, R., Landis, B.N., Adler, D., Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal F., & Péron, J.A. (2022) Investigation of neuropsychological and neurological impact of SARS-CoV-2: the Geneva COVID-COG project. CISA Annual Research Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Voruz, P., Allali, G., Lalive, P., Fragnoli, C., Antoniou, M.P., Péron, J.A. (2022). Personality as a predictor of disability, progression, and treatment adherence in Multiple Sclerosis. BBL CIBM FCBG Research Day. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Constantin IM, Voruz P, Péron JA. Moderating effects of uric acid and gender on non-motor symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson's disease (2022). BBL CIBM FCBG Research Day. Geneva, Switzerland.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Master thesis

  • de Jesus Pereira, M. (2021).  Évaluation de la motivation et de la cognition chez les patient-e-s atteint-e-s d'hydrocéphalie à pression normale. Maîtrise de Psychologie.


Invited talks

  • Péron, J. (2021). Neuropsychological post-COVID syndrome. Journée d’hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), December 3, Paris, France.
  • Péron, J. (2021). Neuropsychological post-COVID syndrome. Association quebecoise des neuropsychologues (AQNP),  October 22, Montréal, Québec.


Oral communications

  • Thomasson, M., Benis, D., Saj, A., Voruz, P., Ronchi, R., Grandjean, D., Assal, F. & Péron, J. (2021). Sensory contribution to vocal emotion deficit in patients with cerebellar stroke, BBL/CIBM/FCBG research day 2021, Switzerland.
  • Voruz P., Haegelen C, Assal F, Drapier S, Sauleau P, Vérin M. & Péron J.A. (2021). Motor symptom asymmetry and cognitive decline following STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease. Société Suisse de Neurologie (SSN) annual congress, 18-19 November, Interlaken, Switzerland.
  • Voruz P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., (…) & Peron, J. A. (2021). Short- and long-term neuropsychological impairment following COVID-19. NRP 78 conference. April 27th, online.
  • Voruz, P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J.A. (2021). Long-COVID neuropsychologique et fatigue: l'expérience genevoise. Journées de printemps de la Société de neuropsychologie de langue française (SNLF), Paris, France.


  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Voruz. P., Allali, G., Fragnoli, C., Antoniou, M.P., Lecerf, T. , Lalive, P., & Péron, J.A. (2021). Personality in Multiple Sclerosis as predictor of the severity, its evolution and adherence to treatment. Journée d’hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), 3 December, Paris, France.
  • Nuber-Champier A., Voruz P., Jacot de Alcântara I., Breville G., Allali G., Lalive P.H.,  Assal F. & J.A. Péron J.A. (2021). Monocytosis in the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection predicts the presence of anosognosia for cognitive deficits in the chronic phase [poster presentation]. Journée d’hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), 3 December, Paris, France. *** Best Poster Award ***
  • Thomasson, M., Benis, D., Saj, A., Voruz, P., Ronchi, R., Grandjean, D., Assal, F. & Péron, J. (2021). Cerebellar contribution to the recognition of emotional prosody. Journée d’hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Francaise (SNLF), Paris, France.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., … & Peron, J. A. (2021). Anosognosia for memory dysfunction as a key determinant of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in long COVID. Société Suisse de Neurologie (SSN) annual congress [poster session], 18-19 November, Interlaken, Switzerland. *** Déjérine-Dubois price for the best ePoster.***
  • Voruz, P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., (… ) & Peron, J. A. (2021). Short- and long-term neuropsychological impairment following COVID-19. NRP 78 conference [poster session]. April 27th, online.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., (…) & Peron, J. A. (2021). Anosognosia for memory dysfunction as a key determinant of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in long COVID. Journée d’hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), 3 December, Paris, France.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Master thesis

  • Thorimbert, M. (2020). Développement d’un questionnaire sur les habitudes. Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.


Invited talks

  • Péron, J. (2020). Is SARS-CoV-2 associated with neuropsychological neuropsychological sequelae? 5ème symposium annuel de neurologie HUG-CHUV: Neuro-Covid, complications neurologiques du virus SARS-CoV-2, Geneva, Switzerland.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Invited talks

  • Péron, J., (2019) Neuropsychology of habit. Neuropsychology Unit, University Hospital of Caen, France,
  • Péron, J., (2019) Neuropsychology of habit. Neuropsychology Unit, University Hospital of Angers, France.
  • Péron, J., (2019) Neuropsychology of habit. Neuropsychology Unit, Hospital of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
  • Péron, J., (2019) Impactful leadership: developing emotional intelligence for success. Women’s Added Value in the Economy Annual Conference, Career Women’s Forum, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.



  • Benis, D., Haegelen, C., Tamarit, L., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Vérin, M. Sauleau, P., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2019) Differential influences of brain hemisphere and Parkinson’s disease lateralization on the oscillatory correlates of emotional prosody decoding in the Subthalamic Nucleus. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting (Champéry, Switzerland).
  • Benis, D., Haegelen, C., Tamarit, L., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Vérin, M. Sauleau, P., Grandjean, D., Péron, J.(2019) Differential influences of brain hemisphere and Parkinson’s disease lateralization on the oscillatory correlates of emotional prosody decoding in the Subthalamic Nucleus. Annual Research Forum (Geneva, Switzerland).

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Master thesis

  • Doudenkova, E. (2018). Influence des paramètres de la stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau subthalamique dans la maladie de Parkinson sur la reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle. Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.
  • Wenig, L. (2018). Influence des processus émotionnels sur la formation des habitudes dans une perspective dite de “parcours de vie”. Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.



  • Péron, J. (Ed.) (2018). [Clinical Cases in Neuropsychology of Emotion]. Dunod: Paris


Contributions to books

  • Collignon, A., Thomasson, M., Saj, A., Grandjean, D., Assal, F., Péron, J. (2018). Reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle suite à un accident vasculaire du cervelet. In J. Péron (Ed.), Cas cliniques en neuropsychologie de l’émotion. Paris: Dunod.


Invited talks

  • Péron, J., (2018) Round table on the French-speaking Clinical Neuropsychology. National Congress of Clinical Neuropsychology (CNNC 3), Amiens, France.
  • Péron, J., (2018) Functional specialization of the subthalamic nucleus in emotional processing. Neuropsychology Unit, Hospital of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
  • Péron, J., (2018) Functional specialization of the subthalamic nucleus in emotional processing. Neurology/Neuropsychology Hospital of Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • Péron, J., (2018) Functional specialization of the subthalamic nucleus in emotional processing. 10th International Congress of Neuropsychology of Frontal Lobes and Executive Functions, Angers, France

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Master thesis

  • Gavand, F. (2017). Influence des processus émotionnels sur la formation des habitudes.Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.
  • Andre, L. (2017). La formation et l’expression des habitudes avec l’âge.Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.
  • Thomasson, M. (2017). Le rôle du cervelet dans la reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle : étude auprès de patients cérébrolésés.Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.
  • Cobarro, C. (2017). Reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle dans une perspective lifespan.Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.


Oral communications

  • Benis, D., Haegelen, C., Tamarit, T., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF ., Vérin, M., Sauleau, P., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2017). Oscillatory correlates of emotional prosody decoding in the subthalamic nucleus of parkinsonian patients. 37th European Winter Conference on Brain Research, Les Arcs, France, 4-10 march.



  • Benis, D., Boex, C., Tyrand, R., Momjian, S., Bouthour, W.,Krack, Burkhard, P., Pollak, P., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2017). Single neuron contributions to emotional prosody processing in the parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus. NCCR Affective Science Phasing-Out, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-19 may.
  • Benis, D., Haegelen, C., Tamarit, L., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Vérin, M., Sauleau, P., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2017). Oscillatory correlates of emotional prosody decoding in the subthalamic nucleus of parkinsonian patients, Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champery, Switzerland, 8-12 jan.
  • Benis, D., Boex, C., Tyrand, R., Momjian, S., Bouthour, W.,Krack, Burkhard, P., Pollak, P., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2017). Single neuron contributions to emotional prosody processing in the parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus. Opto-DBS meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 22-24 june.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Péron, J. (2016) The role of the subthalamic nucleus in emotional processing. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127 (3), e39


Master thesis

  • Correa Batiz, L. (2016). Impact des paramètres acoustiques et des fonctions executives sur la reconnaissance des émotions communiquées par la voix chez une population dépressive et non dépressive.Université de Genève. Maîtrise de Psychologie.



  • Benis, D., Flores Alves dos Santos, J., Momjian, S., Ndiaye, K., Boex, C., Burkhard, P., Mallet, L., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2016). Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation of the STN of an OCD patient on emotional prosody decoding in a dichotic task. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30 june.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Oral communications

  • Benis, D., Millet, B., Fossati, P., Cornu, P., Navarro, S., Arbus, C., Yrondi, A., Chaynes, P., Reyman, JM., Naudet, F., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2015). Electrophysiological correlates of emotional prosody recognition in the nucleus accumbens of major and resistant depressive patients. Opto-DBS 2015 meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 22-24 june.
  • Péron, J., Frühholz, S., & Grandjean, D. (2015). Functional connectivity between subthalamic nucleus and orbito-frontal cortex during vocal emotion decoding. Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Geneva, Switzerland, 8-10 july.



  • Benis, D., Péron, J., Grandjean, D. (2015). Distinct contributions of acoustic parameters in the recognition of emotional prosody. Société des Neurosciences, Montpellier, France, 19-22 may
  • Benis, D., Péron, J., Grandjean, D. (2015). Distinct contributions of acoustic parameters in the recognition of emotional prosody. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, 17-21 oct.
  • Benis, D., Millet, B., Fossati, P., Cornu, P., Navarro, S., Arbus, C., Yrondi, A., Chaynes, P., Reyman, JM., Naudet, F., Grandjean, D., Péron, J. (2015). Electrophysiological correlates of emotional prosody recognition in the nucleus accumbens of major and resistant depressive patients. NCCR Affective Sciences site visit, Geneva, Switzerland, 2 july.

Action Editor

  • Guest Editor of a special issue published in Cortex entitled “What does human intracerebral recording tell us about emotions?”




Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Péron, J., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Tamarit, L., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Dondaine, T., Vérin, M., & Grandjean, D. (2014). Electrophysiological activity of the subthalamic nucleus in response to emotional prosody: An intracranial ERP study in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 29, S284-S285
  • Péron, J., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Tamarit, L., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Dondaine, T., Vérin, M., & Grandjean, D. (2014). Electrophysiological activity of the subthalamic nucleus in response to emotional prosody: An intracranial ERP study in Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125, S132



  • Péron, J., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Tamarit, L., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Vérin, M. & Grandjean, D. (2014). Electrophysiological activity of the subthalamic nucleus in response to emotional prosody: An intracranial ERP study in Parkinson’s disease. 30th International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, Berlin, Germany, 19-23 march.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Péron, J., Cekic, S., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Drapier, D., Verin, M., & Grandjean, D. (2013). Influence of the relevant acoustic features on the recognition of emotional prosody following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Behavioral Neurology, 27, 297‑461.
  • Péron, J., Cekic, S., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Drapier, D., Verin, M., & Grandjean, D. (2013). Influence of the relevant acoustic features on the recognition of emotional prosody following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 28, S195‑S196.


Contributions to books

  • Péron, J., Christen, A., & Grandjean, D. (2013). Que peuvent apporter les enregistrements électrophysiologiques intracérébraux chez l’Homme dans la compréhension des processus émotionnels? In S. Delplanque & P. Hot (Eds.), Electrophysiologie de la cognition (pp. 77‑98). Paris: Dunod.


Oral communications

  • Péron, J. & Grandjean D. (2013). Subthalamic nucleus: a key structure for emotional component synchronization in humans. Annual Research Forum of the NCCR Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland, 7 feb.



  • Péron, J., Cekic, S., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Drapier, D., Verin, M., Grandjean, D. (2013). Influence of the relevant acoustic features on the recognition of emotional prosody following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 13 nov.
  • Péron, J., Cekic, S., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Drapier, D., Verin, M., & Grandjean, D. (2013). Influence of the relevant acoustic features on the recognition of emotional prosody following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. 4th Meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Berlin, Allemagne, 12-14 sept.
  • Péron, J. & Grandjean D. (2013). Subthalamic nucleus: a key structure for emotional component synchronization in humans. International Conference on Deep Brain Stimulation, Düsseldorf, Germany, 15-16 april.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals



  • Péron, J., LeJeune, F., Lalys, F., Jannin, P., Grandjean D., Vérin., M. (2012). Effects of subthalamic deep brain stimulation in the recognition of emotional prosody: a PET study in Parkinson’s disease. Poster, Annual meeting of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society, New York, 20-21 avril.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Rouaud, T., Dondaine, T., Drapier, S., Haegelen, C., Lallement, F., Péron, J., Raoul, S., Sauleau, P., & Vérin, M. (2010). Pallidal stimulation in advanced Parkinson’s patients with contraindications for subthalamic stimulation. Neurology, 74(suppl. 2), A357.
  • Rouaud, T., Dondaine, T., Drapier, S., Haegelen, C., Lallement, F., Péron, J., Raoul, S., Sauleau, P., & Vérin, M. (2010). Pallidal stimulation in advanced Parkinson’s patients with contraindications for subthalamic stimulation, Movement Disorders, 25, S454.
  • Millet, B., Le Jeune, F., Drapier, D., Bourguignon, A., Péron, J., Mesbah, H., Drapier, S., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Travers, D., Garin, E., Malbert, C.-H., & Vérin, M. (2010). Subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease induces apathy: A PET study. Biological Psychiatry, 67, A522.



  • Péron, J., el Tamer, S., Grandjean, D., Travers, D., Drapier, D., Vérin, M., Millet, B. (2010). Major depressive disorder skews the recognition of emotional prosody. Poster, Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium, Brain, Music, and Sound research laboratory (BRAMS) annual scientific day, Montréal, Canada, 16 avril.
  • Péron, J., el Tamer, S., Grandjean, D., Travers, D., Drapier, D., Vérin, M., Millet, B. (2010). Major depressive disorder skews the recognition of emotional prosody. Poster, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montréal, Canada, 17-20 avril.

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


 Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Péron, J., Le Jeune, F., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Drapier, S., Sauleau, P., & Vérin, M. (2009). Conséquences affectives de la stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau subthalamique dans la maladie de Parkinson [Affective consequences of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease]. Revue Neurologique, 165(suppl. 2), A133.



  • Grandjean, D., Péron, J., Milési, V., Tamarit, L. Modulations of human extrastriate visual neuronal activity by emotional voices: human intracranial recordings. Poster, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montréal, Canada, 17-20 avril.
  • Péron, J., Grandjean, D., Le Jeune, F., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Rouaud, T., Drapier, S., Vérin, M. (2009). Recognition of Emotional Prosody is Disrupted After Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease. Poster, Société des Neurosciences, Bordeaux, 29-29 mai.
2008 - 2005

Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals


Contributions to books

  • Belliard, S., Péron, J., Lemoal, S., Golfier, V., Vanberten, M., & Vercelletto, M. (2005). Communication et troubles sémantiques dans les démences. In B.-F. Michel, F. Verdureau, & P. Combet (Eds.), Monographies du Groupe de recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer, communication et démence (pp. 161‑177). Marseilles: Solal.


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Le Jeune, F., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Millet, B., Garin, E., Herry, J-Y., Malbert, C.-H., & Vérin, M. (2008). Subthalamic nucleus stimulation affects orbitofrontal cortex in facial emotion recognition: A PET study. Movement Disorders, 23 (suppl. 1), S123.
  • Le Jeune, F., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Millet, B., Garin, E., Herry, J.-Y., Malbert, C.-H., & Vérin, M. (2008). Subthalamic nucleus stimulation affects orbitofrontal cortex in facial emotion recognition: A PET study. Neurology, 70 (suppl. 1), A479.
  • Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, & Vérin, M. (2007). Recognition of negative emotions is impaired by subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S51.
  • Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Cohen, R., & Vérin, M. (2007). Social cognition and emotional recognition in early and late stages of Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S62.
  • Drapier, D., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Travers, D., Bourguignon, A., Millet, B., & Vérin, M. (2007). Apathetic patients after deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease have associated fear recognition impairment. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S62.
  • Fournier, S., Biseul, I., Péron, J., Philippot, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., & Vérin, M. (2007). Effect of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on emotional experience in Parkinson’s disease patients. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S63.
  • Fournier, S., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Philippot, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., & Vérin, M. (2007). Emotional experience in early and late stages of Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S84.
  • Blanchard, S., Drillet, G., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Gillioz, A.-S., Rouaud, T., Péron, J., & Vérin, M (2007). Prospective comparison of weight gain and energy intake after subthalamic pallidal and thalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S7.
  • Rouaud, T., Drapier, S., Péron, J., Leray, E., Sauleau, P., Rolland, Y., & Vérin, M. (2007). Radiological and clinical predictive factors of long-term outcome of bilateral subthalamic stimulation in advanced Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 22 (suppl. 16), S63.
  • Gillioz, A.-S., Péron, J., Leray, E., Drapier, S., Sauleau, P., Drapier D., Stefani, C., & Vérin, M. (2007). Comparative cognitive quality of life and motor long term follow up of subcutaneous continuous infusion of apomorphine or subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease. Neurology, 68 (suppl. 1), A384.
  • Drapier, D., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Travers, D., Bourguignon, A., Millet, B., & Vérin, M. (2007). Apathetic patients after deep brain stimulation in Parkinsons disease have an associated fear recognition impairment. Neurology, 68 (suppl. 1), A37.
  • Drapier, S., Rouaud, T., Péron, J., Leray, E., Rolland, Y., & Vérin, M. (2007). Pedunculopontine nucleus lesions in preoperative MRI are predictive for worsening of axial symptoms after STN-DBS in Parkinsons disease. Neurology, 68 (suppl. 1), A383.
  • Drapier, S., Péron, J., Rouaud, T., Leray, E., Rolland, Y., & Vérin, M. (2006). Pedunculopontine nucleus lesions in preoperative MRI are predictive for worsening of axial symptoms after STN-DBS in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 21 (suppl. 15), P1271.
  • Gillioz, A.-S., Péron, J., Leray, E., Drapier, S., Sauleau, P., Drapier D., Stefani, C., & Vérin, M. (2006). Comparative motor, cognitive and quality of life long term follow up of subcutaneous infusion of apomorphine or subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 21 (suppl. 15), S21.
  • Stefani, C., Drapier, S., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., & Vérin, M. (2005). Continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion: An effective and cognitive well-tolerated solution for untreatable motor fluctuations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Neurology, 64 (suppl. 1), A396.
  • Stéfani, C.-V., Drapier, S., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Biseul, I., & Vérin, M. (2005). Continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion: An effective and cognitive well-tolerated solution for untreatable motor fluctuations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, (suppl.10):S2.



  • Péron, J., Grandjean, D., Le Jeune, F., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Rouaud, T., Drapier, S., & Vérin, M. (2008). Recognition of emotional prosody is disrupted after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Poster, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, 17-21 octobre.
  • Péron, J., Le Jeune, F., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Rouaud, T., Drapier, S., & Vérin, M. (2008). La reconnaissance des emotions est altérée après la stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau sous thalamique. Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (S.N.L.F), Amiens, France, 23-24 mai.
  • Le Jeune, F., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., SauleauP., Drapier, S., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Millet, B., Garin, E., Herry, J-Y., Malbert, C-H., Vérin, M. (2008). Subthalamic nucleus stimulation affects orbitofrontal cortex in facial emotion recognition: a PET study. Poster, 60th American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 12-19 avril.
  • Le Jeune, F., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., SauleauP., Drapier, S., Haegelen, C., Drapier, D., Millet, B., Garin, E., Herry, J-Y., Malbert, C-H., Vérin, M. (2008). Subthalamic nucleus stimulation affects orbitofrontal cortex in facial emotion recognition: a PET study. Poster, 22th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Chicago, USA, 22-26 juin.
  • Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Vérin, M. (2007). Recognition of negative emotions is impaired by subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Poster présenté au 11th International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Cohen, R., Vérin, M. (2007). Social cognition and emotional recognition in early and late stages of Parkinson’s disease. Poster, 11th International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Drapier, D. Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Travers, D., Bourguignon, A., Millet, B Vérin, M. (2007). Apathetic patients after deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease have associated fear recognition impairment. Poster, 11th International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Péron, J., Piolino, P., Lemoal, S., Biseul, I., Leray, E., Eustache, F., Belliard, S. (2007). Rôle de l’expérience personnelle directe dans la préservation des connaissances sémantiques spécifiques aux personnes dans la démence sémantique et la maladie d’Alzheimer. Communication orale, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, France, 25-26 mai.
  • Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Vérin, M. (2007). La reconnaissance des émotions négatives est altérée après la stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau sous-thalamique. Communication orale, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, France, 25-26 mai.
  • Drapier, D., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Travers, D., Bourguigon, A., Millet, B., Vérin, M. (2007). L'apathie est associée à un trouble de la reconnaissance de la peur après stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau subthalamique chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, France, 25-26 mai.
  • Péron, J., Biseul, I., Fournier, S., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Cohen, R., Vérin, M. (2007). Cognition sociale et reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles à différents stades d'évolution de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, France, 25-26 mai.
  • Fournier, S., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Philippot, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Vérin, M. (2007). Évaluation subjective de l'expérience émotionnelle à différents stades d'évolution de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, France, 25-26 mai.
  • Fournier, S., Biseul, I., Péron, J., Philippot, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Vérin, M. (2007). Impact de la stimulation chronique à haute fréquence du noyau sous thalamique sur l'expérience émotionnelle chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Tours, France, 25-26 mai.
  • Drapier, D., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Travers, D., Bourguignon, A., Millet, B., Vérin, M. (2007). Les patients apathiques après une stimulation cérébrale profonde dans la maladie de Parkinson présentent un trouble de la reconnaissance de la peur associé. Poster, 59ème congrès international de l'American Academy of Neurology, Boston, USA, 28 avril-5 mai.
  • Fournier, S., Péron, J., Biseul, I., Philippot, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Vérin, M. (2007). Expérience émotionnelle aux stades précoces et tardifs de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, 11e Congrès international sur la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles du mouvement, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Rouaud, T., Drapier, S., Péron, J., Leray, E., Sauleau, P., Rolland, Y., Vérin, M. (2007). Facteurs prédictifs radiologiques et cliniques de l'évolution à long terme de la stimulation sous-thalamique bilatérale dans la maladie de Parkinson avancée. Affiche, XIe Congrès international sur la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles du mouvement, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Blanchard, S., Drillet, G., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Gillioz, AS., Rouaud, T., Péron, J., Vérin, M (2007). Comparaison prospective de la prise de poids et de l'apport énergétique après stimulation cérébrale profonde sous-thalamique pallidale et thalamique dans la maladie de Parkinson. Communication orale, XIe Congrès international sur la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles du mouvement, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Fournier, S., Biseul, I., Péron, J., Philippot, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., Vérin, M. (2007). Effet de la stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau sous-thalamique sur l'expérience émotionnelle chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, 21e Congrès international sur la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles du mouvement, Istanbul, Turquie, 3-7 juin.
  • Gillioz, AS., Péron, J., Leray, E., Drapier, S., Sauleau, P., Drapier, D., Stefanni, C. et Vérin, M. (2007) Qualité de vie cognitive comparée et mobilité suivi à long terme de la perfusion sous-cutanée continue d'apomorphine ou de stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau sous-thalamique chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson avancée. Poster, 59ème congrès international de l'American Academy of Neurology, Boston, USA, 28 avril-5 mai.
  • Drapier, S., Rouaud, T., Péron, J., Leray, E., Rolland, Y., Vérin, M. (2007). Les lésions du noyau pédonculopontin dans l'IRM préopératoire sont prédictives de l'aggravation des symptômes axiaux après STN-DBS dans la maladie de Parkinson. Poster, 59ème congrès international de l'American Academy of Neurology, Boston, USA, 28 avril-5 mai.
  • Vérin, M., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Biseul, I., Péron, J., Raoul, S., Millet, B. (2006). Émotions, motivations et stimulation sous-thalamique : où en sommes-nous en 2006 ? Communication orale, Journée annuelle extraordinaire de la Société Française de Neurologie, Paris, France, 19 janvier.
  • Gillioz, AS, Péron, J., Leray, E., Drapier, S., Sauleau, P., Stefani, C., Vérin, M. (2005). Qualité de vie cognitive comparative et suivi moteur à long terme de la perfusion sous-cutanée continue d'apomorphine ou de stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau sous-thalamique chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson avancée. Affiche, 21e Congrès international sur la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles du mouvement, Kyoto, Japon, 28 octobre-2 nov.
  • Belliard, S., Vercelletto M., Lemoal, S., Péron, J., Lebail, B. et Poncet, M. (2005). Bases neuro-anatomiques du système sémantique spécifique aux personnes. Etude chez 25 patients déments sémantiques. Communication orale, Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Grenoble, France, 20-21 mai.
  • Stéfani, CV., Drapier, S., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Biseul, I., Vérin, M. (2005). Perfusion sous-cutanée continue d'apomorphine : une solution efficace et cognitive bien tolérée contre les fluctuations motrices incurables chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, 9e Congrès international sur la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles du mouvement, Nouvelle-Orléans, États-Unis, mars.
  • Stefani, C., Drapier, S., Péron, J., Sauleau, P., Biseul, I., Vérin, M. (2005). Perfusion sous-cutanée continue d'apomorphine : une solution efficace et cognitive bien tolérée pour les fluctuations motrices incurables chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Affiche, American Academy of Neurology, Miami, avril.