Research Projects

SNF Project ReCoRePro

Study of devolution and institutionalization processes in a mathematics problem-solving instruction. Collaborative approach and development of a resource for teachers.

Original title (in French): Étude des processus de dévolution et d’institutionnalisation dans le cadre d’un enseignement de la résolution de problèmes en mathématiques. Approche collaborative et élaboration d’une ressource pour les enseignant·es.


Conducted by Maud Chanudet, Jean-Luc Dorier, Stéphane Favier, Isaline Ruf (2023-2024) and Florence Bremnes-Mayenson (2024-)

Supervised by Maud Chanudet and Jean-Luc Dorier

Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Subside no100019_212761)

Conducted from 2023 to 2027



Keywords: Problem solving, mathematics, teaching practices, students' learning, collaborative research, devolution, institutionalization

Resume: Problem solving is an important aspect of mathematics, its learning and its teaching, particularly in the context of the research, that of French speaking Switzerland. It constitutes the core of the curriculum of mathematics. However, research shows that it remains complex to make it a classroom reality. In that sense, the processes of devolution and institutionalization present a certain complexity when it comes to managing students’ engagement in problem solving and their effective learning.

Therefore, our goal is to better understand what is at stake between teachers' practices and students' learning around problem solving in mathematics. More precisely, we want to know how teachers can help students to better appropriate a problem, help them to progress in its resolution without doing too much for them, and finally support the development of the associated mathematical learning.
On the one hand, we want to know more about teachers' practices when they teach mathematical problem solving. Our previous work gave us results for the secondary level, we will continue this work for the primary school level through the study of some cases.
On the other hand, we collaborate with secondary school mathematics teachers (it is also planned to collaborate with primary school teachers at a later stage) to better understand what students do in class when they solve a problem and what can be done to support and encourage their work and learning.
We rely on the design, implementation and analysis of the sessions to develop an in-service training tool to equip teachers.
Our work is based on a collaborative research process, which is, according to us, necessary to a better appropriation of the results obtained. Different theoretical frameworks from didactics of mathematics are mobilized to build the research methodology and to analyze the data.


This page will be completed as the research progresses.



Chanudet, M., Dorier, J.-L., & Favier, S. (2023). Improving the Teaching of Mathematical Problem Solving – A Collaborative Research Based on Theoretical Findings from Two PhD Dissertations. In M. A. Ashraf & S. M. Tsegay (Éds.), STEM Education—Recent Developments and Emerging Trends. IntechOpen.


Our previous research related to this project:

Chanudet, M. (2019). Assessing Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education with Both a Summative and Formative Purpose. In P. Liljedahl & M. Santos-Trigo (Eds.), Mathematical Problem Solving (pp. 177–207). Springer.

Chanudet, M. (2023). Types of Mathematical Reasoning Promoted in the Context of Problem-Solving Instruction in Geneva. In T. L. Toh, M. Santos-Trigo, P. H. Chua, N. A. Abdullah, & D. Zhang (Eds.), Problem Posing and Problem Solving in Mathematics Education- International Research and Practice Trends (pp. 51–72). Springer.

Favier, S. (2017). Analyse du fonctionnement du processus d’institutionnalisation durant la mise en commun qui suit un travail de groupe lors d’une activité de découverte d’une notion mathématiques au cycle 3. [Mémoire de Master non publié] Université Clermont Auvergne.

Favier, S. (2022). Étude des processus de résolution de problèmes par essais et ajustements en classe de mathématiques à Genève [Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de l’Éducation, Université de Genève].

Favier, S., & Dorier, J. L. (2024). Heuristics for the analysis of students’ work in mathematical problem solving. Educational Studies in Mathematics.


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