PhD Candidates

Jeanne Richard



Jeanne Richard

Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Geneva


Email: jeanne.richard(at)

In 2018, I graduated from the University of Geneva with a Master in Neuroscience. My master’s thesis focused on emotion regulation and mixed feelings in a population of various body mass indexes.

Currently, I am working as a teaching and research assistant of Prof. Géraldine Coppin at Distance Learning University Switzerland (UniDistance). In this context, I am conducting a PhD thesis under the supervision of Prof. Géraldine Coppin and Prof. David Sander. The aim of my thesis is to further study the psychological mechanisms linked to obesity in order to better understand the bidirectional links between food intake and affective and cognitive functioning


 Oral Communications

  • Richard, J., Audrin, C., Locatelli, L., Pataky, Z., Golay, A., Sander, D., & Coppin, G. (2019, September 9-11). Emotion regulation in a population of various Body Mass Indexes [Conference presentation]. 16th Swiss Psychological Society conference, Bern, Switzerland.



  • Richard, J., Audrin, C., Sander, D., & Coppin, G. (2019, July 10-13). Emotion regulation and mixed feelings in a population of various Body Mass Indexes [Poster session]. Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Richard, J., Audrin, C., Pataky, Z., Locatelli, L., Golay, A., Sander, D., & Coppin, G. (2019, July 9-13). Mixed feelings and emotion regulation in obesity [Poster session]. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • Richard, J., Audrin, C., Sander, D., & Coppin, G. (2019, February 7-8). Emotion regulation and mixed feelings in a population of various Body Mass Indexes (BMI) [Poster session]. Swiss Center for Affective Sciences Annual Research Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.