Scientific Articles
2024, in press, and preprints
- Wuensch, L., Stussi, Y., Vernede, T., Murray, R., Sander, D., Péron, J., & Pool, E. R. (2024). Differential influence of habit components on compulsive and problematic reward-seeking behavior. PsyArXiv. doi: 10.31234/
- Coppin, G., Muñoz Tord, D., Pool, E. R., Locatelli, L., Achaibou A., Erdemli, A., León Pérez, L., Wuensch, L., Cereghetti, D., Golay, A., Sander, D., & Pataky Z. (2023). A randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of liraglutide on self-reported liking and neural responses to food stimuli in participants with obesity. International Journal of Obesity, 47, 1224-1231. doi: 10.1038/s41366-023-01370-w
- Wuensch, L., Pool, E. R., & Sander, D. (2021). Individual differences in learning positive affective value. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 39, 19-26. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2020.11.001