

Welcome to the Experimental Social Cognition Laboratory (ESClab) led by Dr. Nicolas Burra, where we explore the mechanisms related to human interactions and nonverbal communication. Using behavioral measurement techniques, eye-tracking, and advanced neuroscience such as fMRI, EEG, and MEG, we delve into the fascinating world of social interactions.

Our Objectives

Our goal is to understand the underlying mechanisms that influence our relationships, focusing on exchanges such as eye contact and their impact on our intentions and interactions. We use behavioural and neuroscientific methods to gather accurate data, and our research has practical implications in the fields of communication, clinical psychology, and human-computer interfaces.

Our techniques

At ESCLab, we use a variety of techniques, such as :

  • Behavioural methods ; 
  • Eye tracking ;
  • Electroencephalography (EEG);
  • Magnetoencephalography (MEG);
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

Our setting

Our laboratory is located at Uni Mail (Geneva) and we work in collaboration with various local laboratories, such as the Brain and Behaviour Laboratory (BBL) and Campus Biotech, as well as the Geneva Cantonal Hospitals (HUG). 

Meet the team !