Alexia Forget holds a degree in primary school teaching, a Masters in educational sciences, an aggregation of upper secondary education, a MAS and a PhD in educational sciences. In 2017, she completed a complementary certificate in psychology. Alexia Forget began her professional carrier in the department of experimental pedagogy (Prof. M.Crahay) at Liège University. She subsequently worked as an assistant in the Genevan group focused on the evaluation and regulation of learning processes (Prof. Linda Allal followed by Prof. L. Mottier-Lopez). In 2006 she joined the comparative didactic team (Prof. M.L. Schubauer-Leoni) and collaborated on studies conducted at the “Maison des Petits”.
She defended her thesis in 2011 (co-direction between Prof. B.Schneuwly and Prof. M.L. Schubauer-Leoni). Her thesis concerns the migration conditions of the institutionalisation process (originating from math didactics) to the field of education of French. From 2007 onwards, Alexia Forget works as lecturer at the University of Geneva. Her teachings encompass a transversal approach of educational facts to teacher practice, and concern the domains of pedagogical differentiation and entering the field of teaching.

Alexia Forget