
How informal knowledge informs us

Katarina Gvozdic has been invited to present at the ADC (Apprentissage Cognition Développement) team's Research Seminar, to be held on 15/03/2023, at 4:30 pm.

Conference title:
How informal knowledge informs us about teaching and learning of school concepts.

From a cognitive and developmental perspective of school learning, a fundamental question is how to get learners to evolve from their initial understanding of a school notion, which is often erroneous or incomplete, to an understanding that aligns with recognized knowledge in the discipline of study and grasps the complexity of the notion. In this seminar, I will address these issues by presenting an approach to conceptual change rooted in analogical reasoning, which is transversal to different school disciplines. We will discuss two lines of research that implement this approach. The first addresses these issues in the context of learning mathematics, based on the results of several experimental studies. The second addresses them in the context of first language learning and citizenship education, presenting some preliminary results as well as various perspectives for empirical studies.


Practical information
- To attend in person, go to room B225, on the Gennevilliers campus, ZAC des Barbaniers, Avenue Paul Marcel, 92230 Gennevilliers.
- To attend remotely, register here to receive the Teams link:

8 Mar 2023
