Art & science

Idioritaime (Collaboration with researcher Isabella Pasqualini & Anatoly Vlassov)

Idioritaime {Your Skin Is My Sky} invited the public to experience and partake into a complex installation in a beautiful public space, the Bains des Pâquis, open to everybody. The mixed reality installation involved two people from the public simultaneously connected with virtual reality (VR) headsets experiencing an original VR scenario, a polyphonic circle of seven dancers, evoking rites of initiation, and large projection screens displaying the VR contents, which altogether immersed the public in a dance at once real and virtual, physical and imaginary. This transdisciplinary work played with Prof. David Rudrauf (Unige)'s theory of projective consciousness, a scenographic architecture of the artist and researcher Isabella Pasqualini (Paris) and Phonésie, a performative practice of choreographer, dancer and researcher Anatoly Vlassov (Paris).


Projet financé par une subside du Fond National Suisse (FNS): "Your Skin is my Sky" (Programme Agora, CRAGP1_178630, 2018). 

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