
Lina Chaabi

Doctoral candidate
University of Geneva

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Nantes (France). Thereafter, I began my master in clinical psychology at Lille III (Lille, France) where I became familiarized with cognitive behavioral and emotional therapies. After the first year, I had the opportunity to study one year as an Erasmus exchange student at the University of Geneva and I decided to continue my master’s education there. I am currently pursuing a master degree in Psychology with clinical and affective orientations. Under the supervision of Prof. Didier Grandjean, my master’s thesis focuses on perception and action binding via affective processing in a virtual reality environment. 
Additionally, I assisted Dr. Tobias Brosch in his research on conflict values where I designed and implemented experimental paradigms using original conceptual scenarios.  
Finally, I am currently serving as an auxiliary assistant for the practical courses on affective neuroscience given by Prof. Grandjean.
