
Lara Lordier

Doctoral candidate
University of Geneva

Département de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
Service développement et croissance
Hôpital des Enfants
rue Willy-Donzé, 6
1211 Genève 14

Lara Lordier obtained her Master in Neurosciences at the University of Geneva in 2011. During this Master, she worked on amygdala activation due to novelty and valence by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
She has been a PhD candidate since November 2011 and is currently working on brain development in preterm newborns. She aims to see whether music exposure in preterm infants alters the resting state functional connectivity and the maturation of emotion brain network thanks to fMRI. This project is carried out under the supervision of Pétra Hüppi and Didier Grandjean.