Dr Maël Mauchand

Post-doctoral researcher
University of Geneva


Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Genève



Email. Mael.Mauchand@unige.ch

Maël Mauchand is a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences. He pursued a bachelor in Cognitive Science at McGill University (Canada) from 2014 to 2017, where he also received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience under the supervision of Prof. Marc D. Pell in 2023. His thesis focused on the neural basis of empathy in vocal interactions and investigated how emotive voices elicit empathic responses in various social and cultural contexts, using EEG and fMRI. More generally, his research pertains to the interpersonal role of prosody and the relationship between the production and perception of emotions and attitudes in the voice.
