Change in Emotion in Psychotherapy (07-09.07.25)

Scientific event and Summer School for Researchers

Change in emotion has been identified as one of the most robust predictors of change in psychotherapy. This concerns both patient changes in emotion and therapist fostering such changes in psychotherapy, making change in emotion one of the most convincing transdiagnostic and transtheoretical mechanisms of change in psychotherapy. There is the need for more systematic research taking into account the multi-component multi-method nature of change in emotion in psychotherapy, anchored in a convergent synthesis of what human emotion is.

During the three-day program, we will focus on the plurality of methods, from an integrative point of view. Methods will be applied to cutting-edge research questions by speakers and participants, with the aim of deepening the methodological competencies in the study of change in emotion in psychotherapy.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Eran Bar-Kalifa (Israël)
  • Katherine Dixon-Gordon (USA)
  • Ueli Kramer (Switzerland)
  • Richard D. Lane (USA)
  • Antonio Pascual-Leone (Canada)
  • Andrea C. Samson (Switzerland)
  • David Sander (Switzerland)
  • Daniela Schiller (USA)


The Scientific event and summer school takes place at the University Institute of Psychotherapy, in the center of the city of Lausanne (Switzerland). Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.


Arrival date is Sunday, July 6th, 2025. The workshop lasts from Monday, July 7 to Wednesday, July 9th, 2025. Thursday, July 10th is a research consultation day. Departure date is Friday, July 11th, 2025.

For whom?

PhD students, MDs, or early post-doctoral fellows interested in emotion in psychotherapy.


Please apply before December 15th, 2024 to Application is competitive, number of participants is limited.

All applications must  contain a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and a 1-page summary of a relevant research project (in one pdf). If you wish to benefit from 1:1 research consultation, please indicate two faculty among the list above with whom you wish to have a consultation meeting on July 10th, 2025.


Full fee : CHF 350 (includes registation to the scientific activities, including research consultation, coffee breaks, and access to the event dinner. Meals are not included.)

Reduced fee : CHF 250 for participants from WHO low resource countries (includes registration to the scientific activities, including research consultation, coffee breaks, and access to the event dinner ; meals are not included).

Suggested reading

Samson A. C., Sander D. & Kramer U., (2024). Change in emotion and mental health. Elsevier-Academic Press.

23 sept. 2024