Language acquisition and disorders

Claire Ballot

Dr Claire Ballot

Post-doctorat fellow and research assistant (DIP)

Office 109

Professional Titles:

  • 2019 – Ph.D in Psychology
  • 2016 – National title Psychologist (option Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology)


Research interests:

  • Study of written language in children
  • Development and organization of the lexicon in children
  • Study of lexical processes in reading and word memory in young and older adults.



  • 2019 – Ph.D in Psychology, University of Bordeaux

Dissertation title: “Word memory: role of lexical and emotional characteristics for young and older adults(Supervisors : Pr. Stéphanie Mathey & Dr. Christelle Robert)

  • 2016 - M.D, Research on Psychology, University of Bordeaux

Master’s thesis title: « Implication of lexical and lexico-emotional processes in word memory during aging»(Supervisors: Pr. Stéphanie Mathey & Dr. Christelle Robert)



  • Current position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow – FPSE – University of Geneva (Supervisor: Pr. Pascal Zesiger).
  • 2019 - 2021: Temporary Teacher and Researcher Assistant in Cognitive Psychology -  University of Bordeaux


Main teaching:

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Methodology
  • Educational psychology
  • Statistics and training Course on Rstudio software





  • Ballot, C., Zesiger, P. (accepted). Effect of word length and frequency in word identification on 2nd and 5th grade children varying in language capacities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.


  • Ballot, C., Robert, C., Dujardin, E., & Mathey, S. (2023). Effects of lexical skills and orthographic neighborhood size in word memory. Memory & Cognition.
  • Pillaud, N., Ballot, C., Robert, C., Mathey, S., & Ric, F. (2023). Is the approach avoidance compatibility effect moderated by word imageability? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 0(0).


  • Ballot, C., Zesiger, P. (2022). Développement des processus lexico-sémantiques pendant l'enfance: approche théorique et clinique. A.N.A.E, 181, 706-715.
  • Ballot, C., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (2022). Word imageability influences the emotionality effect in episodic memory. Cognitive Processing, 1-6.
  •  Ballot, C., Mathey, S., Robert, C. (2022). Age-related evaluations of imageability and subjective frequency for 1286 neutral and emotional French words: ratings by young, middle-aged, and older adults. Behavior Research Methods, 1-20


  • Ballot, C., Mathey, S., & Robert, C. (2021). Word imageability and orthographic neighbourhood effects on memory: a study in free recall and recognition. Memory, 1-6.


  • Mathey, S., Ballot, C., Postal, V., Robert, C (2020). Les mots du cancer : apport de la psycholinguistique et de la psychologie cognitive. [The words of cancer: contributions of psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology]. In E. Dugas & L. Sivilloti (dir.) , Inclure dans et hors l’école ? Accessibilité, Accompagnement et altérités. Bruxelles, Éd. EME, diffusion L’Harmattan.
  • Ballot, C., Robert, C., Postal, V., Sivilloti, L., Dugas, E., & Mathey, S. (2020). A study of student assessment of the lexical and emotional characteristics of cancer-related words. European Review of Applied Psychology, 70(4), 100549.


  • Mathey, S., Camblats, A.-M., Ballot, C., Broqua, A., Postal, V., & Robert, C. (2018). De la lecture d’un mot à sa mémorisation : influence des processus lexico-émotionnels [From the reading of a word to its memorization: influence of lexico-emotional processes]. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 155, 399-405.