Language impairment: Evaluation and remediation

Estelle Ardanouy

Estelle Ardanouy

PhD student and research assistant (DIP)

125 A (1er étage, Pont-d'Arve)
+41 22 379 91 54

Thesis: Learning lexical spelling: The role of derivational morphology


Research interests:

  • Learning Disorders
  • Reading and spelling disorders
  • Lexical spelling development in children with and without disorders
  • Components of spelling in adults with and without disorders
  • Evidence Based Practice in Speech-Therapy



  • 2019: Certificate of competence in speech-language pathology, University of Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier)

Master's thesis: Ardanouy (2019). Towards a measure of the effectiveness of speech-language rehabilty : Convincing Practice (CP) in the rehabilitation of reading in dyslexia.



  • 2019 - : PhD Student, University of Geneva
  • 2020 - : Speech and language therapist, La Cédille, Geneva
  • 2019 - 2020: Speech and language therapist, CMPP, Ville-La-Grand (France)



  • Ad hoc lecturer for the university master's degree in speech therapy - Reasoned analysis of written languages
  • Lecturer at the Geneva School for Childhood Educators “Oral Language Development Module”




Zesiger, P. & Ardanouy, E. (2021). L’efficacité des prises en charge des troubles des apprentissages du langage écrit : que disent les revues systématiques ? A.N.A.E.,173.


Professional journal

Delage, H., Hadjadj, O. & Ardanouy, E. (in press, 2021). L’Evidence-Based Practice en clinique logopédique. Langage et Pratiques.




  • SSSR Conference– Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Annual conference. Interactive paper « The impact of derivational morphology training on reading, spelling and morphological awareness skills in French-speaking 9-10 year-olds ». 13-16 July.
  • ICLD 2021: International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Interactive paper « Derivational morphology training improves spelling in school-aged children ». 15-16 July.
  • CLOR – Online Conference - Speech-Language Pathology & Research. Oral presentation "Help of derivational morphology in lexical spelling in elementary school children".
  • Congress " Entretiens Cliniques d’Orthophonie: les troubles lexicaux de l'enfant à l'adulte " organized by ORPHEO - Oral presentation: “The acquisition of the orthographic lexicon, a real headache for children, for speech therapists and for researchers”


  • Congress "Dyslexia" organized by Gnosia - Oral presentation "Augustin 7 years old, reading disorder, reading training and EBP".
  • De Boeck Supérieur poster award at the 2nd scientific days dedicated to neurocognitive rehabilitation in children - SOFREMNE - Poster " Effect of a professional training in Convincing Practice on the performance of patients with dyslexia ".

Team members