Language impairment: Evaluation and remediation

Olivia Hadjadj

Olivia Hadjadj

PhD student (FNS) and research assistant (DIP)

125 A (1er étage, Pont-d'Arve)
+41 22 379 98 321

Thesis: Dynamic Assessment in Narratives and in Morphosyntax 


Research interests:

  • Developmental Language Disorder by children
  • Dynamic Assessment 
  • Narratives and Morphosyntax
  • Evidence-Based-Practice in Speech and Language Therapy 



  • 2021: University Diploma – Developmental Language Disorders’ remediation – Sorbonne University, Paris
  • 2019: Professional Diploma and Master degree in Speech and Language Therapy – University of Strasbourg 



  • 2020 -  : PhD Student, University of Geneva
  • 2019-2021: Speech and language therapist, Strasbourg



  • English workshops about papers’ reading and discussions in English – Medicine School – University of Strasbourg 



Professional journal

  • Delage, H., HadjadjO., & Ardanouy, E. (in press, 2021). L’Evidence-Based Practice en clinique logopédique. Langage et Pratiques.



  • Lafay, A., Osana, H. P., & Hadjadj, O. (15-16 juin 2019). The effects of detachability and countability of manipulatives on second-graders’ number knowledge. Symposium Unpacking Manipulatives: Recommendations for the Mathematics Classroom. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

Team members