
Marion Bourqui

Marion Bourqui

Assistante - Doctorante FNS

Chemin de Pinchat 22
+4122 379 82 58


- Speech production

- Motor speech planning / programming

- Motor speech disorders

- Speech modes



Python, G., Demierre, C., Bourqui, M., Bourbon, A., Chardenon, E., Trouville, R., Laganaro, M., & Fougeron, C. (2023). Comparison of In-Person and Online Recordings in the Clinical Teleassessment of Speech Production : A Pilot Study. Brain Sciences, 13(2), Article 2.

Bourqui, M., Pernon, M., Fougeron, C., & Laganaro, M. (2022). Contribution of acoustic analysis to the detection of vocoid epenthesis in apraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders. Aphasiology, 36(7), 854‑867.


Oral presentations at conferences

Bourqui, M., Lancheros, M., & Laganaro, M. (June 2023). Diagnostic différentiel des troubles moteurs de la parole grâce aux mouvements oro-moteurs et aux modulations de la parole. Oral conference presented at the Journées de Phonétique Clinique, Toulouse, France. 

Poster sessions at conferences

Bourqui, M., Lancheros, M., & Laganaro, M. (April 2023). Modulations de la parole et atteinte de la programmation motrice dans les dysarthries. Poster session presented at the Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française, Lyon, France. 

Bourqui, M., Corre, M., Fougeron, F., & Laganaro, M. (August 2022). Motor speech programming and uttering conditions: a preliminary study in speakers with motor speech disorders. Poster session presented at the 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Bourqui, M., & Laganaro, M. (May 2021). Motor speech planning versus programming in apraxia of speech. Poster session presented at Academy of Aphasia, Virtual Conference. 

Bourqui M., Pernon M., Fougeron C., & Laganaro M. (September 2019). Contribution of acoustic analysis in the differential diagnosis of apraxia of speech. Poster presented at Science of Aphasia, Rome, Italy. 



PhD Student in Speech and Language Therapy

September 2018 - today

Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education - University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Director: Prof. Marina Laganaro


Master of Science in Speech and Language Therapy

September 2016 - June 2018

Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education - University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

MA research: "Le diagnostic différentiel entre la dyspraxie verbale et les troubles phonologiques."

Supervisor: Dr Margaret Kehoe


Bachelor of Science in Psychology

September 2013 - June 2016

Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education - University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

NPL team members