Séminaire de recherche

Psycholinguistic seminars

The psycholinguistic lab seminars are scheduled on Mondays from 12:15 to 13:15 at Pinchat 22, Room 010.

For online lab seminars, please contact the host to obtain the Zoom link.


Seminars 2024-2025

Next lab seminar:








At 15h00 !

  Prof. Rutvik Desai

University of South Carolina


The role of anterior temporal lobe in lexicosemantic processing


   Julie Franco

Upcoming lab seminars: 







24.mar.2025    On site 

  Dr. Kinga Igloi 

University of Geneva




   Logan Bars
07.apr.2025    On site

  Prof. Sophie Schwarz 

University of Geneva




   Andriana Sabov
28.apr.2025    Online 

  Dr. Rob Zwitserlood

Utrecht University 




   Emily Stanford
12.may.2025     On site

   Dr. Lucie Attout

University of Geneva




   Mónica Lancheros + Julie Franco




16.june.2025    On site 

  Dr. Claudia Peñaloza 

University of Barcelona




   Logan Bars
30.june.2025    Online 

  Prof. Gabriela Meade 

Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic




   Valentina Borghesani


Previous lab seminars







   On site + Online

   Prof.  Rasha Abdel Rahman

University of Humboldt


The many facets of meaning processing during language production

   Marie Couvreu
 03.feb.2025     Online

  Prof. Beth Jefferies

University of York 


The neural basis of flexible semantic cognition

  Marie Couvreu 
 20.jan.2025    Online

Prof. Bernd Kröger 

University of Aachen

Neurobiologically plausible modeling of speech production for improving our understanding of normal and disordered speech   Mónica Lancheros 

On site

At 13h30!

Dr. Tanja Atanasova

University of Dundee

Individual intrinsic brain rhythms and speech comprehension differences Mónica Lancheros
 02.dec.2024     On site

  Dr. Michael De Pretto

University of Geneva

  ERP signals during speech articulation: does auditory feedback mask other ongoing cognitive-motor processes?

Mónica Lancheros + Julie Franco


At 15h00 !

   Dr. Ioanna Anastasopoulou

Macquarie University


Neuroimaging of speech motor control in typical developing populations and in children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech – the MASK system

   Mónica Lancheros
 04.nov.2024  On site

Andriana Sabov

University of Geneva

The Role of Semantic Knowledge and Reading Experience in Age-Related Changes in Associative Memory

Mónica Lancheros + Julie Franco



 Prof. Luís Jesus

University of Aveiro 

Just a Whisper: Vowel Production in Two Speech Modes

 Marion Bourqui 



   Dr. Andrea Révész 

University College London 


Using eye-tracking as a tool to develop second language knowledge


  Agathe Cambon 





