Archive News

Program of the 20th Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC), 2-4 July 2015, GENEVA, Switzerland

Organizers of the 20th GEC Meeting

Aquatic Ecology Group – University of Geneva
Dominique Auderset Joye & Aurélie Rey-Boissezon

Institute F.-A. Forel

University of Geneva 10, route de Suisse

CP 416- 1290 Versoix - Switzerland

Institute for Environmental Sciences

University of Geneva Site de Batelle, Bat. D

7, route de Drize- 1227 Carouge - Switzerland

 Financial support

 COMAD– Commission Administrative

University of Geneva

24, rue du Général Dufour – 1211 Genève 4 – Switzerland


Faculty of Sciences

University of Geneva

30, quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 Genève 4 – Switzerland 



SACAD-Société Académique de Genève

Bibliothèque de Genève

Les Bastions - 1211 Geneva 4 – Switzerland

8 Jun 2015

News 2015