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ACE Expedition- finishing line


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The team of the University of Geneva lead by Prof. Christel Hassler got back from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Experiment with many samples including from the snow of sub-Antarctic Island and Antarctic Glaciers (Mertz and Mt Siple). These samples will allow the comparison of trace elements, bacteria and viruses present in the snow and in the ocean- a first of its kind in Antarctic research! After 2 months at sea we have collected more than 1500 samples for the analysis of trace metals and nutrients and more than 150 samples for the isolation of bacteria and the analysis of the biodiversity of viruses around the South Pole. This research will thus open new research perspectives. The Journal “La Liberté” published a little summary of our activity so far and the adventure continues until the arrival to cap Town scheduled for the 18th of March.

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6 Mar 2017

News 2017