
Seminars in Environmental Natural Sciences, Institute F.-A. Forel

Friday Seminars

Lac Baïkal
Lac Baïkal photo of J.-L. Loizeau

Thursday, 31st of October 2013
Room 001,
Section of Earth and
environmental sciences,
Rue des Maraîchers 13







Lectures of candidates for the position of
Full, Associate or Assistant Professor in Physical limnology, Institute F.-A. Forel, University of Geneva

Schedule of the lectures of candidates physical limnology

Dr. Koen Blanckaert, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne

"Bridging multiple scales and disciplines in geophysical flows"

Dr. Damian Bouffard, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne

"Energy path in stratified lakes"

Dr. Lee Bryant, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

"Dynamic forcing of sediment oxygen uptake and biogeochemical cycling"


Prof. Erika McPhee-Shaw, San Jose State University, USA

"Boundary mixing: Internal waves, sediment, and oxygen on an upwelling continental margin"

Dr. Daniel McGinnis, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany

Bubbles, Chaoborus and turbulence: Biological and physical transport processes in aquatic environments

Prof. Werner Aeschbach-Hertig, Heidelberg University, Germany

"Tracing physical processes in lakes under changing environmental conditions"



Planète Terre: Habitat durable?

Leçon d'honneur
du Professeur Walter Wildi
Mardi 12 novembre à 17h15 - Auditorium A150
Sciences II

suivi d'une verrée
Friday, 6th December 2013
11 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Dr Jerome Payet,
Directeur CycloEco

"Ecotoxicité, indicateurs de risque et indicateurs d'impacts: Présentation de la base de donnée AiiDA et exemple d'application à travers l'évaluation environnementale d'un shampoing"

Friday, 29th November 2013
11 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Prof. Scarlett Trimborn, Alfred-Wengener Institute and University of Bremen

"The impact of ocean acidification and trace metal availability on Antarctic phytoplankton ecology"


Southern Ocean phytoplankton are major drivers of global carbon cycling accounting for 20% of the global annual primary production. Most of this production relies on large phytoplankton blooms along the Antarctic continent, while pelagic phytoplankton contributes to a minor degree. Until now, only little information is available on how climate change will affect Southern Ocean phytoplankton communities. The increase in atmospheric CO2 has already caused significantly higher aquatic CO2 concentrations and lower pH values (‘ocean acidification’) compared to pre-industrial times. In situ fertilization experiments have revealed that iron availability is the key factor in controlling Southern Ocean phytoplankton productivity and community structure. Until now, only little information is available on how these environmental factors (CO2, iron) affect Southern Ocean phytoplankton. In particular research on interactive effects of these factors is still scarce. The consequences will, however, most likely differ depending on the region. In the present talk, I will present results from laboratory CO2-manipulation experiments with Southern Ocean key phytoplankton species and will highlight results from shipboard experiments with natural phytoplankton assemblages, in which the combined effect of CO2 and iron was investigated.

Friday, 6th December 2013
11 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Dr Jérôme Payet,
Directeur CycloEco

"Ecotoxicité, indicateurs de risque et indicateurs d'impacts: Présentation de la base de donnée AiiDA et exemple d'application à travers l'évaluation environnementale d'un shampoing"

Thursday, 19th December 2013
10:15 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Tiago Silva,
University of Lisbon

present the results of its master "Geomorphological response of Tagus estuary salt-marshes to sea level rise"

Friday, 24th January 2014
11h, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Dr Renata Behra,

"Effects of silver nanoparticles to algae and microbial communities"

Friday, 14th February 2014
11 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Dr Orlane Anneville,
INRA, Thonon, France

"Evolution des communautés pélagiques du Léman en réponse aux pressions anthropiques"


Tuesday, 18th February 2014
9:30 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Mlle Raquel Liebana,
Madrid University, candidate for PhD research at Institute F.-A. Forel

"Quorum Sensing, biofilm formation and interactions among bacteria, yeast and protist isolated from MBR wastewater treatment systems"

Thursday, 27th March 2014
9 am, auditoire D-185
de Battelle

Bâtiment D -7, Route de Drize, Carouge


Aurélie Rey-Boissezon,
UNIGE, Group of Ecology and aquatic biology,

"Distribution et dynamique des communautés de Characées: Impact des facteurs environnementaux régionaux et locaux "


Friday, 28th march 2014
12:30 pm, room D154
de Battelle

Bâtiment D
7, Route de Drize, Carouge


Associate Professor María A. Rodrigo Alacreu ,
Institut Cavanilles of Biodiversity and evolutiv Biology - University of Valencia (Spain)

"Some insights in the restoration of Mediterranean wetlands. Allelopathic interactions between primary producers."

Friday, 4th April 2014
11 am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Dr. Yuheng WANG,
Environmental microbiology laboratory, IIE ENAC, EPFL

"Iron-bearing nano minerals and their role in controlling the speciation and mobility of metals and metalloids"

Thursday, 24th april 2014
10am, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Professeur Yakov Pachepsky,
United States Department of Agriculture

"Fate and transport of pathogens and indicator microorganisms in different environmental compartments"

Tuesday, 24th June 2014
14:00 pm, Conference room
Institute F.-A. Forel, Versoix


Rebecca Flueck,
Institute F.-A. Forel

Presentation of her predoctoral exam (in french)

"Assessing metal bioavailability through transcriptome response in aquatic primary producers"