About us

The Sustainable Development Goals and the continuing education at UNIGE

What are the SDGs?

17 goals to «make the world a better place»

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets (sub-goals) form the cornerstone of Agenda 2030, which the 193 United Nations member states adopted in 2015. They take equal account of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and integrate for the first time the eradication of poverty and sustainable development into a common framework.

Why map the SDGs  at UNIGE?

The aim is to highlight the Continuing Education programmes that contribute to the achievement of one or more sustainable development goals and their targets to

  • Raise awareness on the role of university continuing education to achieve the SDGs
  • Stimulate the inclusion of SDG-related issues in continuing education programmes
  • Reflect on the cross-cutting skills needed to achieve the SDGs
  • Allow the faculty to take an active part in the Geneva and global ecosystem of Agenda 2030

Click on the SDGs in the image below in order to find out more and to discover our related Continuing Education programmes.