DAS Commodity Trading 2025

2025-2026 Application

Online Application Is Now Open!



August 2025 - June 2026
36 ECTS credits
240 Teaching hours
48 Distance teaching hours
Part-time: Friday 1.30 pm-8.30 pm & Saturday 8.30 am-1.30 pm, twice a month, except 3 modules (6 ECTS) taught online (12 pm - 2 pm)




Blended learning


+41 (0)22 379 81 12
+41 (0)22 379 82 71


University of Geneva


Registration deadline

30 June 2025
Modules can be followed individually


  • Application fee: CHF 250.- (non-refundable)
  • DAS tuition: CHF 17'000.-
  • Individual modules (max. 6 ECTS): 1.5-ECTS module: CHF 900.- | 3-ECTS module: CHF 1'800.- (Conditions Apply)

Contribution to the SDGs

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development


  • Gain a solid understanding of commodities markets and trading transactions
  • Explore trading technology trends and innovation
  • Master all aspects of risk management in trading
  • Analyze the financing of trading activities
  • Look into sustainability challenges and legal aspects


Professionals working in the commodity trading industry or any industry related to commodities, such as Trade Finance, Audit, Inspection, etc., and who wish to strengthen their knowledge or acquire new skills in the commodity trading industry.


14 modules:

  • Basics of Commodity Trading and World Trade Flows (24 hours)
  • Organization, Sustainability and Responsibility (12 hours online)
  • Trading Transactions (24 hours)
  • Compliance and Legal Aspects (24 hours)
  • Data, Technology & Innovation (12 hours online)
  • Shipping, Logistic & Transport (24 hours)
  • Market Intelligence (12 hours)
  • Commodity Financing and Treasury (24 hours)
  • Risk Insurance (12 hours)
  • Trade Finance Banking Instruments (24 hours)
  • Credit & Asset Management (24 hours)
  • Risk Management (24 hours)
  • Commodity Trading Simulation (24 hours online)
  • Advanced Risk Management (24 hours)


Prof. Jean-Paul VULLIÉTY, Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), University of Geneva


Sun VITTET and Mayween HENCHOZ, University of Geneva


SUISSENÉGOCE (formerly called the Swiss Trading and Shipping Association, STSA)
The Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Commodity Trading was created in 2008 by the University of Geneva in collaboration with SUISSENÉGOCE (formerly called the Swiss Trading and Shipping Association, STSA). It builds on the insights of industry experts and is continuously updated. This program enables participants to be competitive in a fast evolving environment and benefits from the proximity of Geneva’s global commodity trading hub.


Olle Ostensson


The module aims to give a general overview of commodity markets and commodity trading in order to provide a context for the more specialized later modules. It should allow students to understand the wider economic environment in which commodity trading takes place and how commodity trade interacts with the rest of the world economy as well as the basics of commodity trading.




Course Overview

Manage the entire process to generate a deal with a sound understanding of all costs involved and risks to be covered.

Course Objectives and Takeaways

The course provides the key elements to have a deeper understanding of oil market and related transactions. More specifically, the focus will be set on the following topics:

  •  Know the origin of oil and its derivatives
  •  Understand oil market and characteristics
  •  Assimilate buyer and seller obligations against INCOTERMS 2020
  •  Locate products against requirement
  •  Negotiate contract terms
  •  Elaborate deal budgets


Carine Albertini-Jadot


  • Understanding of the trading workflow. The students will be able to identify the different steps of a trade from the sign-off of the contract to the delivery of the goods. They should be able to integrate in this analysis the specificities of the different commodities
  • Understanding of contracts set-up (incoterms, etc.). The students should be able to link the different documentations to the contract. At the end of the module, they will be able to list the documents used on specific trades as shipping documents. They will be able to identify the right Incoterms according to the trading strategy and the impact of an incoterm choice on trading operations / documentation
  • Abilities to identify impacts of contracts set-upon trade operations example.The students, based on trade details, will be able to describe trade operations and identify the pitfalls of a contract. They will be able to identify the coordination requirements/specifities of the trade operations

With over 90% of World’s trade carried by Sea, participants are likely to encounter maritime transportation in the course of their careers whether they will be directly engaged in the process of moving the goods (trading, chartering, operations and etc.) or not (trade-/finance, insurance, legal and etc.). This module will provide a synthetic presentation of key areas related to seaborne transportation. We will look at various technical, commercial, economic and legal concepts and tools that stakeholders need to master to understand, analyze and anticipate for efficient operations


Xavier Trabia


Course Overview

The objective of this 4th module is to familiarise students with trading risk issues and their management/monitoring. The module will consist of identifying, quantifying and managing risks, directly or indirectly related to price risks. At the end of this section, the participants will have developed their capacity to understand the traders’ approach towards risks and opportunities in the commodity trading industry (with a focus on pricing risks) and understand the elements of risk management techniques in commodity trading.

Course Objectives and Takeaways

  • Define and identify risks
  • Master hedging techniques
  • Understand notions such as Position capture and Mark-to-Market within a commodity trading structure
  • Be familiar with option contracts and strategies
  • Use and understand the different VaR models: parametric, historical and Monte-Carlo simulations


Alessandro Sanos


We are living an unprecedented concurrence of intertwined factors that are driving a profound transformation in commodity markets. The path to net-zero and the decarbonisation of the economy, the remapping of geopolitics, and the digitalisation of the industry, are re-shaping the vision and the strategy of the organisations operating in this industry. In this state of flux, where market participants of all sizes are rapidly transforming their business models to make informed decisions ahead of their competitors, the role of data and information technology has become of extreme relevance as it enables the innovation that underpins both revenue generation ideas, and the reduction of costs and operational risk.
This interdisciplinary course blends core concepts of data, technology, and business strategy from the perspective of a commodities trading corporation. Participants will gain a solid basis of the theoretical foundations and practical applications of data and technology that demystify data science and artificial intelligence. Each module supports the data-driven decision making that nurtures innovation, and is enriched by real-world examples and applications. The interactive presentations will include fireside chats and panel discussions with senior-level guests from the market who will be sharing their insights and bet practice.


Pierre Thézé


Course Overview

Understanding the mechanism of the main banking instruments used for obtaining financing from financial institutions in order to secure payment and performance in trading of commodities on the international market.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding UCP600 and their usage
  • Ability to choose the best payment instrument for a trader


Simeon Lachev and Nicolas Dervaux


Risk Insurance

This course will explore the principles of insurance, the main insurance covers applicable to the trading industry, both from trading company’s and bank’s point of view, along with a comprehensive review of the corresponding risks and the claim handling process.

The course is meant to be interactive and promote transversal learning, capitalizing on the knowledge of the students. The presentations combine theory, a lot of illustrations, practical examples and case studies to facilitate the assimilation of the discussed topics.


Learning Objectives

At the end of the course and the various case studies, the students will have a broad understanding of:

  • Physical risks related to the 3 main commodity categories: agri, oil and metals
  • The insurance market and market players
  • The process of binding an insurance cover
  • Credit & Political Risk and Marine Cargo Insurances
  • Utilisation of insurance to mitigate risks and optimize financing 


Pierre-Edouard Dolhen


The practice of commodities trading is the process wherein all Commodity products are exchanged to satisfy current demand. Traders engage in it to remove any inefficiency in the market. In the market for commodities, there is always a way to make a profit with managed risk, and this is via arbitrage where traders play with immediate price differentials.

During this module, students will have the opportunity

  • To identify new trading opportunities using Business analysis canva
  • To test in a simulation environment their concrete understanding of the trading industry: from the management of cash contract, monitoring of portfolio/positions to hedging cash contracts on exchanges.
  • To familiarize themselves with real tools of the industry: Data Management Screen, Order Management System, Document templates from the industry.

Information will be presented in the form of use cases, academic research, articles, and whitepapers published by respected scholars and experts in the field, and the actual disclosures of major multi-national companies in the industry, including service providers, consultancy companies…

Rules of the simulation will be communicated in detail at the beginning of the module through the commodities trading simulation Handbook.

Students will have to connect to many platforms and will receive details for this purpose.


Guillaume de La Ville


This module presents the various financing methods that are available to the commodity trading companies.

The module first deals with the types of financing which are typically used by or available to commodity trading / distribution companies, such as:

  • Transactional Trade Finance;
  • Inventory Financing – repurchase agreements;
  • Borrowing Base;
  • Prefinance and Pre-export finance, which are two different types of financing yet having some common features;
  • Payment Risk Assumption (“PRA”) & Credit Risk Insurance (“CRI”), two credit risk mitigating tools that share common aspects but also significantly differ.

The module also covers some other types of financing which can be used by commodity trading companies when they reach a certain stage of development and/or are used by other commodity markets participants (E&P players, mine owners,..), namely: 

  • Reserve Base Lending (“RBL”);
  • Revolving Credit Facility (“RCF”).

Other types of financing which will be covered including Asset Finance, Acquisition Finance, Bridge Loan and Project Finance.

Course Objectives and Takeaways

Objectives of this module are the following:

  • give participants an understanding of the various tools/products and methodologies that lenders have developed over the years in order to finance the commodity trading companies, and 
  • illustrate how commodity trading companies manage their treasury requirements thanks to such financing tools.

Each type of financing is dealt in a similar manner, i.e. covering the following aspects:

  1. Principle & reimbursement sources
  2. Parties involved
  3. Type of duration
  4. Typical risks
  5. Securities
  6. Challenges for the Lender and the Borrower
  7. Advantages for the Lender and the Borrower
  8. Nature of the financing
  9. Typical structure of the credit facility
  10. Legal framework
  11. Management – follow up and position keeping.

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the specificities of the various financing methods available in order to finance trading companies, some of the technical aspects of such methods, the sources of risks and how to mitigate them.
  • Have hints and tips to help choose/decide which type of financing would be the most appropriate depending on the business and related needs of the trading company.
  • Be familiar with the specific language of the industry in order to be in a position to exchange with other members of the industry.
  • Understand how trading companies manage their treasury requirements thanks to the use of the various financing methods covered


Guillaume de La Ville & Stanislas Mazuranic


This is organized in two parts:


The first part of the module deals with a typical commodity finance lender’s Credit Analysis.

It presents each step of the credit decision-making process from:

  • the initial credit analysis up to
  • the final decision made by the credit committee(s).

More specifically, the participants will become familiar with all aspects related to the completion of a credit application file for trade finance transactions / borrowers.

  • Company presentation and its purpose in its market: (business profile, identification of added value & strategy, industry analysis, shareholders, board of directors and management assessment)
  • Financial analysis, the peculiarities of traders’ financials (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statement)
  • Internal and external methodologies to rate / report / record;
  • Term sheet and facility(ies) / transaction analysis;
  • Risk analysis, recommendation to and decision from the credit committee(s).

The module also provides hints about the credit process that a trading company is typically going through when granting credit to its client(s) (and/or assuming credit exposure linked to marked to market in relation to its purchases) and how this process compares and/or differs from a lender’s credit process.


The second part of the module deals with Asset Management

It provides background about the importance of asset structuring & integration for a number of (medium to large) trading companies, covering among others:

  • the acquisition process as a whole,
  • the due diligence process in relation with an asset or a company acquisition,
  • the various valuation methodologies and
  • the financing tools available, namely (Asset Finance,Acquisition Finance, Bridge Loan, and Project Finance)




At the end of the course, the participants are expected to:


For the first part of the module (credit analysis)

  • Be able to contribute to the preparation of a credit application or an information memorandum, either as an employee of a lending institution or as a member of a trading company seeking to raise financing;
  • Have an understanding of the specificities of trading companies’ financials (compared to other traditional corporates’) and have tips to analyse such financials;
  • Understand the criteria which may influence a lender’s credit committee ultimate decision to grant a credit facilities; 
  • Be in a better position to negotiate terms and conditions of a credit facility agreement.

For the second part of the module (asset management)

  • Be familiar with the various steps required for a proper due diligence
  • Understand the various valuation methods
  • Be familiar with the various financing tools available


Lilach Zacharia-Trabelsi


Course Overview 


Companies evolve in complex environments. Managers today are confronted with an unprecedented mix of social, environmental, and governance (ESG) issues and demands from a variety of stakeholders. As such, responsible corporate behavior and sustainability issues have been of increasingly growing concern in many industries, including the commodity trading industry. This industry in particular works with some sectors that are typically very prone to ESG-related issues, including oil and gas, mining, and agriculture. Sustainability encompasses a broad range of issues that present risks (and opportunities) to individuals, corporations, and industries. Being able to understand and address ESG issues in the professional context is increasingly considered a success factor for individuals and companies, and is also important for entire industries, as they are expected to advance the sustainability agenda. 


Course Objectives


This course aims to introduce participants to ways of thinking about and tools that can assist in identifying, analyzing, and working towards a resolution of ESG-related issues and dilemmas in the commodity trading context. Students will reflect on existing management and industry practices, as well as ethical issues, and suggest approaches for how to manage and resolve ESG-related concerns. 


Philippe Berta and Vicken Bayramian


Course Overview

 The objective of module 11 is to give an overview of

i) the various laws and regulations, international and national, which apply to international commodity trading and its many stakeholders, such as the producers, traders, shipping companies, trade finance banks, etc., and

 ii) the legal dispute resolution mechanisms available, including mediation, arbitration or proceedings before the courts.

The regulatory environment dramatically extended during the last years and heavily impacts the daily work of all the individuals active in trade related matters, requiring new knowledge, competences, and additional human and technological resources. 

This course will first review the history and current status of the combat against money laundering, with a particular focus on Trade Based Money Laundering, which will lead us to explore the essential "Know Your Customer" process.

We will also address the recent Swiss and international developments in the fight against corruption. 

Compliance with sanctions has likewise become an essential part of the current regulatory world, with the fragmentation of various conflicts around the world, especially in regions rich in raw materials, and the increasing use of sanctions as foreign policy measures. We will in particular address the extraterritorial effects of the sanctions over international trade, how practitioners handle these matters and the consequences of non-compliance to sanctions.

We will also explore Swiss and other national regulations impacting international commodity trading and we will finish on the various dispute resolutions mechanisms available in the world of trade and trade finance.


Course Objectives and Takeaways

  • better understand when and how the fight against financial crime has started and evolved
  • be more aware of the importance of various internal processes, such as KYC and compliance with sanctions, and be in a better position to follow them if in place (design them if not), all in their best interest and in the interest of the companies employing the students
  • better identify suspicious transactions and be in a position to decline and/or report them
  • better convince their clients or counterparties of the usefulness to respect the rules applying to the industry
  • understand how disputes may be resolved or avoided


Gustavo Wolf


The objective of this module is to familiarise students with trading risk issues and their management/monitoring. The module will consist of identifying, quantifying and managing risks, directly or indirectly related to price risks. At the end of this section, the participants will have developed their capacity to understand the traders’ approach towards risks and opportunities in the commodity trading industry (with a focus on pricing risks) and understand the elements of risk management techniques in commodity trading.

Course Objectives and Takeaways

  • Define and identify risks
  • Master hedging techniques, including the use of basis for physical trading
  • Be familiar with option contracts and strategies
  • Use and understand the different VaR models: parametric, historical and Monte-Carlo simulations


Ivo Sarjanovic


Course Overview

This course provides an overview of key concepts, practical cases, and strategic methods used in market intelligence (MI) to help professionals understand, analyze, and leverage data for better decision-making. 

You will learn how to gather data and interpret information from various sources to build a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, identify trading opportunities, and explore growth potential in commodity flows. 

The development of marketing intelligence strategies to build and sustain a competitive advantage in the marketplace is a key ingredient and differentiator in the success of companies in the commodity space. 


It is important to note that this is not a technical course focused on specific applications, data tools, or software used by MI departments. 

Instead, the course focuses on the strategic processes and high-level concepts of MI and its impact on business operations. 

By learning the fundamentals of MI, professionals who are not part of the MI department will be better equipped to collaborate with MI teams, make more informed decisions, and align their work with broader business strategies. 

The goal is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to use MI insights effectively in your daily work, without requiring specialized knowledge in data analysis or MI tools. 

By the end of the program, you will be able to gain awareness about the importance of MI, applying insights in decision-making and improve cross-departmental collaboration within your organization.


Each module is subject to an assessment, including one or a combination of the following: in-class exam, classroom presentation, take-home assignment.

Diploma awarded

Students who successfully complete the program will be awarded the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Commodity Trading / Diplôme de formation continue (DAS) en négoce des matières premières by the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) of the University of Geneva.
This unique programme, delivered in collaboration with SUISSENÉGOCE (formerly called STSA) and major companies of the sector, trains professionals for careers in commodity trading through a 360-degree vision of the industry.

Admission criteria

  • University degree, or equivalent
  • Minimum of 3 years of relevant professional experience in the field of  commodities trading (finance, logistics, trading, law etc.)
  • Proficiency in English

Steering committee

  • Professor Jean-Paul VULLIÉTY, Academic Director, University of Geneva
  • Mrs Eliane PALIVODA-HERREN, Executive Director, University of Geneva

Scientific committee

  • Prof. Jean-Paul VULLIÉTY (GSEM, Unige)
  • Prof. Marcelo OLARREAGA (GSEM, Unige)
  • Prof. Salvatore DI FALCO (GSEM, Unige)
  • Mr Benoit LIOUD (Mercuria Energy Group)
  • Mr Pierre-Edouard DOLHEN (Louis-Dreyfus Commodities)
  • Mr Olivier THYSSEN (Banque Cantonale de Genève)
  • Mr Simeon LACHEV (Metinvest International SA)
  • Mr Guillaume DE LA VILLE (Ezpada Group)
  • Mr Rafael HUBER (Cargill)
  • Mr Daniel LOEFFLER (Département du développement économique)
  • Mr Vincent SUBILIA (CCIG)

Application File

  • ID Card or passport 
  • Passport-size photo (.jpg format) 
  • Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 pages)
  • Cover letter 
  • Bachelor Degree and the highest educational qualification obtained (e.g., Master or PhD)
  • Letter of recommendation from the current employer
  • Work certificates (or work contracts) from former employers


  •  University degree, or equivalent
  •  Minimum of 3 years of relevant professional experience in related fields (finance, logistics, trading, law etc.); excluding internships
  •  Proficiency in English

Number of participants

Max. 40 participants

Detailed fees

  • Total tuition fee (DAS): CHF  17'000.-.
  • Application fee (non-refundable): CHF 250.-.
  • Individual modules: participants may enroll in individual modules, totaling a maximum of 6 ECTS credits.
  • Enrolment in the program is only official once the registration and tuition fees have been paid within the deadlines.
  • In case of withdrawal after the start of the program, the full tuition fee remains payable to the program. There are no refunds in the event of course failure or expulsion from the program.
  • No scholarships are offered.
  • The Diploma is issued upon successful completion of all modules and full payment of the tuition fee.

Participants may request one, two, or three instalments, if they are paying the tuition themselves. Instalments are as follows:

  • One instalment (CHF 17'000): Deadline - July 31, 2025
  • Two instalments (2 x CHF 8'500): Deadlines - within 30 days of acceptance / September 30, 2025
  • Three instalments (2 x CHF 5'700 + CHF 5'600): Deadlines - within 30 days of acceptance / September 30, 2025 / November 30, 2025

If the tuition is paid by a third party, only one invoice will be issued.

Request for instalments must be made at the time participants are accepted in the program.



The following documents must be submitted during the online application:

  • ID Card or passport 
  • Passport-size photo (.jpg format) 
  • Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 pages)
  • Cover letter 
  • Bachelor Degree and the highest educational qualification obtained (e.g., Master or PhD)
  • Letter of recommendation from the current employer
  • Work certificates (or work contracts) from former employers

Cancellation Policy

In case of withdrawal after the start of the program,  the full tuition remains payable to the program.

There are no refunds in the event of withdrawal from the program after courses have started, course failure, or expulsion from the program.


The DAS program includes 14 modules (36 ECTS): 11 courses are held in Geneva and 2 online courses are shared with CAS participants; courses run from September to June.

  • Friday: 1.30 pm - 8.30 pm
  • Saturday: 8.30 am - 1.30 pm

Online modules: 12.00 pm - 2.00 pm (courses are not recorded)



•    100 % attendance is required to validate a module.
•    Online courses: participants must ensure they have a good connection; modules will not be validated in the event of partial attendance due to poor connection.
•    Lessons are not recorded.
•    For each teaching hour, participants should expect 1-2 additional hours for course preparation (reading, case studies, assignments,...).
•    Each course is assessed by an individual and/or group exam, in class or at home. 
•    Participants have a maximum of 2 attempts to validate the module (the initial exam and the make-up exam).
•    The diploma is awarded upon successful completion of all modules and full settlement of the tuition fee.


SUISSENÉGOCE (formerly called the Swiss Trading and Shipping Association, STSA); Commodity Trading Alumni association (CTA)



Several networking events are organized throughout the year by the Commodity Trading Alumni Association (CTA).

These events offer our participants an excellent opportunity to meet experts from the trading and commodities related fields.  

  • Olle Ostensson, President, Caromb Consulting - Linkedin
  • Carine Albertini-Jadot, Head of Operations, Sahara Energy Resources Pte Ltd (Geneva Branch) - Linkedin
  • Xavier Trabia, Head of TradinG & Supply, Klesch Petroleum SA - Linkedin
  • Gustavo Wolf, Global Head of Market Risk and Middle Office, Louis Dreyfus Company - Linkedin
  • Alessandro Sanos, Global Director Customer Strategy, Commodities  - Linkedin
  • Pierre Theze, Head Documentary Credit, BCV - Banque Cantonale Vaudoise - Linkedin
  • Simeon Lachev, Managing Director, Weromett SA - Linkedin
  • Nicolas Dervaux, BCGE Head of Risk - Linkedin
  • Pierre-Edouard Dolhen, Head of Derivatives Back & Middle Office / Switzerland Corporate Partnerships Manager, Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. - Linkedin
  • Guillaume de La Ville, Owner at Commodity Finance Guillaume de La Ville, Geneva - Linkedin
  • Lilach Zacharia-Trabelsi, Managing Director, TBH Global Family Office SA - Linkedin
  • Philippe Berta, Head of Legal, SCCF Structured Commodity & Corporate Finance - Linkedin
  • Vicken Bayramian, Founder and CEO, Field Solutions Geneva - Linkedin
  • Ivo Sarjanovic, Co-Founder, Hedgit - Linkedin

"I am happy to have completed the DAS Commodity Trading Program at the University of Geneva.
It was an intense year, but one of the most exciting experiences of my life. Let me share why:

  • Networking. This program gives a great opportunity to connect with professionals from different countries and recognised commodity trading companies and banks. As one of our professors said, "Your network is your net worth”, which makes it a valuable investment in your future.
  • Knowledge. You expand your knowledge learning from stars of the commodity trading industry. Professors share knowledge from their global extensive experience and latest market practices.
  • Industry Overview. This program gives a wide overview of the industry, including operations, shipping, risk management, trade finance and other aspects. It not only helps to become more effective in your current role but also better plan your career growth.

Before joining, I heard it was one of the best executive programs for commodity traders globally. After completing it, I can confirm it. It`s absolutely worth it and can boost your career to the next level."

Anna Kravtsova

"Commuting from Zug to Geneva to attend the DAS program was totally worth it. I have had the chance to meet amazing professionals amoung teachers and colleagues.  It's been a very interesting introduction to Commodity Trading industry, with valuable insights and great network opportunity.  The program represents a great opportunity to learn from experienced professionals with very diverse backgrounds. I totally recomand the program to whoever wish to expand professional network and gain exposure on the industry. " Luminita Tudose, SEBA Bank AG

"Expand My Knowledge"
"Enlarging The Understanding"
"An Invaluable Experience"
"A Major Benefit"
"A Valuable Network"
"An Amazing Programme"

Contribution to the SDGs

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development