Professional doctorate Doctorate of Advanced Professional Studies in Applied Finance 2024

The aim of the programme is to train entrepreneurs, investors and senior managers to analyze, anticipate and conduct scientifically applied research in the field of asset management.



October 2024 - August 2027
80 ECTS credits
The 10 modules take place from Thursday to Sunday (09:00-12:00 and 13:30-16:30).


Bilingue (Anglais/Mandarin)


Marylaure BLOCH
+41 (0)22 810 87 55


Geneva, Switzerland and Beijing/Shenzhen, China


Registration deadline

30 June 2024

Contribution to the SDGs

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems


  • Sharpen and broaden skills in wealth management and sustainable finance
  • Understand the current and future evolution of financial markets
  • Becoming responsible investors who care about environmental and social challenges
  • Face an increasingly competitive, globalised and uncertain world


Entrepreneur, venture capitalist, senior executive, public official and manager who want to learn about the latest academic and professional advances in finance, to understand and develop wealth management strategies that will consolidate their clients’ prosperity while maintaining their sense of purpose.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this programme, the participants will:

  • Master advanced conceptual and quantitative methods and have financial expertise, specifically in Sustainable Wealth Management
  • Gain a deep understanding of banking, financial markets, as well as traditional, alternative, and sustainable investments
  • Acquire evidence-based scientific research skills in the context of writing a professional doctoral thesis with academic integrity, focusing on some of the most innovative topics in Wealth Management and Sustainable Assets
  • Develop advanced written and oral communication skills, in particular through the writing and defence of their dissertation in Applied Finance


Prof. Rajna GIBSON BRANDON, Geneva Finance Research Institute (GFRI), University of Geneva, Mr. Jun YAN, President, GFD Institute


Marylaure BLOCH, University of Geneva


GFD Institute (GFD) and Geneva Institute for Wealth Management (GIWM)
The “Doctorate of Advanced Professional Studies in Applied Finance” is a three-year high-level executive program consisting of ten courses taught by renown professors and professionals in finance and law. The aim of the programme is to train entrepreneurs, investors and senior managers in analyzing, anticipating and conducting scientifically applied research in the field of asset management.

Prospective graduates will benefit from a solid knowledge in the fields of financial markets, international portfolio management, risk management, quantitative and qualitative methods of finance, along with analysis and modeling methods that will enable them to meet the challenges faced by companies in an increasingly uncertain and globalized environment.


Prof. Tony BERRADA (UNIGE) • Prof. Inès CHAIEB (UNIGE)


Prof. Xiqing GAO (UIBE) • Dr. Meilun SHI (HKEx) • Dr. Jie HE (Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Local Financial Regulation and Supervision) • Prof. Han SHI (HKUST & HKU)




Dr. Michel CROUHY (Natixis) • Prof. Dan GALAI (HUJI) • Prof. Olivier SCAILLET (UNIGE) • Prof. Fabio TROJANI (UNIGE)


Prof. Yueguan CHEN (Tsinghua) • Prof. Haoming HUANG (Tsinghua) • Dr. Guoke HE (Zhicheng Law Firm) • Dr. Guihuan CAI (PBCSF)


Key topic:

  • Financial Market Microstructure, Banking and Financial Institutions, Investment, Financial Markets and Investment Strategy

This module aims to:

  • Master the background, basic concepts and framework of Financial Market Investment
  • Learn new pattern of financial regulation and industry investment
  • Understand the cutting-edge development of financial technology and the investment prospect
  • Develop capabilities to analyse financial market, evaluate investment strategies and make decisions


Prof. Rajna GIBSON BRANDON (UNIGE) • Prof. Harald HAU (UNIGE) • Prof. Martin HOESLI (UNIGE) • Prof. Jean-Charles ROCHET (UNIGE)


Prof. Jisi WANG (PKU) • Prof. Min TANG (China Social Entrepreneur Foundation) • Mr. Zhigang WANG (Zhigang Think Tank)


Key topic:

  • Corporate Innovation in High Technology Industry, Venture Capital, Angel investment

This module aims to:

  • Establish a knowledge framework for high-tech industry venture capital
  • Master quantitative and qualitative analysis research methods (incl. data analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical research)
  • Understand the research frontier between high-tech industry venture capital market and angel investment
  • Develop logical and analytical capabilities to judge the high-tech industry risk investment market


Prof. Wenhua MA ( PKU) • Prof. Ciguan QIU ( SAIF) • Dr. Heather GRADY (Rockefeller Foundation) • Dr. Allan CHAN (Happiness Capital) • Dr. Hanrong TANG (Ehong Capital)


Prof. Olivier SCAILLET (UNIGE) • Prof. Fabio TROJANI (UNIGE) • Prof. Giuseppe UGAZIO (UNIGE)


Prof. Joseph P. H. FAN (CUHK) • Dr. Wenjun QIAO (Zhonglun Law Firm) • Dr. Peng GUO (PwC) • Dr. Heather GRADY (Rockefeller Foundation) • Prof. Yuedun WANG (He Foundation) • Dr. Yongsheng LEI (Infund) • Yuanlong LI (Wanxing Trust)


The goal of the applied dissertation modules is to acquire evidence-based scientific research skills in the context of writing a professional doctoral thesis with academic integrity, focusing on some of the most innovative topics in Wealth Management and Sustainable Finance.


The programme is part-time. Each module, as well as the professional doctoral thesis, are assessed. The doctorate thesis focuses on a professional topic chosen by the student. Active and regular participation is required in all parts of the programme. An applied professional doctoral thesis must be submitted within 12 months following the end of the teaching programme. Participants are required to write their thesis in English. Under certain circumstances, participants may submit their thesis translated into English by accredited translators.

Pedagogical method

  • Interactive teaching methods and access to cutting-edge applied research.
  • Real-data and real-time analytic tools supported by an intuitive online platform.
  • Exchanges with both academics and practitioners.
  • Study trip and networking opportunities.
  • Research and writing of a professional doctoral thesis.

Diploma awarded

The Doctorate of Advanced Professional Studies in Applied Finance with Specialisation in Sustainable Assets and Wealth Management / Doctorat professionnel de formation continue en finance appliquée avec spécialisation en actifs durables et gestion de patrimoine is awarded by the Geneva Finance Research Institute of the University of Geneva. It is awarded to participants who meet the programme’s assessment requirements and have fully paid their tuition fees.

Admission criteria

To enter the programme, the following requirements must be met

  • Hold at least a master’s degree from a university recognized by the University of Geneva
  • Have a minimum of 8 years professional experience, or part-time equivalent, in banking, finance or related industries
  • Be fluent in both English and Mandarin

Steering committee

  • Prof. Rajna GIBSON BRANDON, Professor of Finance, Geneva Finance Research Institute, University of Geneva, Co-Director of the DAPS and Managing Director of the GIWM
  • Mr. Jun YAN, (严骏), President, GFD Insistute, Co-Director of the DAPS

Scientific committee

  • Prof. Rajna GIBSON BRANDON, Professor of Finance, Geneva Finance Research Institute, University of Geneva, Co-Director of the DAPS and Managing Director of the GIWM
  • Mr. Jonathan Jun YAN, (严骏),  President, GFD Institute, Co-Director of the DAPS
  • Prof. Tony BERRADA, Professor of Finance, Geneva Finance Research Institute, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Mr. Yiting WANG, Director of the Foundation Board, GFD Institute
  • Prof. Patrick Bolton, Professor of Business, Columbia Business School

Number of participants

Number of participants: 50-60 participants


09:00-12:00 and 13:30-16:30

Sponsored by

Geneva Financial Center (GFC)
  • Prof. Tony BERRADA (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Inès CHAIEB (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Xiqing GAO (UIBE)
  • Dr. Meilun SHI (HKEx) 
  • Dr. Jie HE (Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Local Financial Regulation and Supervision)
  • Prof. Han SHI (HKUST & HKU)
  • Prof. Philipp KRUEGER (UNIGE)
  • Dr. Michel CROUHY (Natixis)
  • Prof. Dan GALAI (HUJI)
  • Prof. Olivier SCAILLET (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Fabio TROJANI (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Yueguan CHEN (Tsinghua)
  • Prof. Haoming HUANG (Tsinghua)
  • Dr. Guoke HE (Zhicheng Law Firm)
  • Dr. Guihuan CAI (PBCSF)
  • Prof. Harald HAU (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Martin HOESLI (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Jean-Charles ROCHET (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Jisi WANG (PKU)
  • Prof. Min TANG (China Social Entrepreneur Foundation)
  • Mr. Zhigang WANG (Zhigang Think Tank)
  • Prof. Wenhua MA (PKU)
  • Prof. Ciguan QIU (SAIF)
  • Dr. Heather GRADY (Rockefeller Foundation) 
  • Dr. Allan CHAN (Happiness Capital)
  • Dr. Hanrong TANG (Ehong Capital)
  • Prof. Giuseppe UGAZIO (UNIGE)
  • Prof. Joseph P. H. FAN (CUHK)
  • Dr. Wenjun QIAO (Zhonglun Law Firm)
  • Dr. Peng GUO (PwC)
  • Prof. Yuedun WANG (He Foundation)
  • Dr. Yongsheng LEI (Infund) 
  • Yuanlong LI (Wanxing Trust)

Wealth management is one of the world's leading industries in Switzerland. It is a rare and precious opportunity to study at the University of Geneva and to be exposed to the world's top wealth management institutions. The programme far exceeded my expectations, with over 100% satisfaction. It never occurred to me that at the age of over forty I would go back to my passionate self, the young one eager to study and progress. This is a very valuable life experience, it’s a forging process, and it increases self-discipline.”

(Ms. Jianyin Guo)

I thought the dissertation process was a highlight of the study programme. I learned a lot in the process of preparing for the paper. Professor Hoesli guided me step by step and helped me to take the paper to a level that I couldn’t believe I could get to.”

(Mr. Ruibin Chen)

Through this study programme, I have further improved my future prospects in finance and other related activities. I will consider problems from a more comprehensive perspective and make more accurate decisions.”

(Ms. Guoin Wang)

Contribution to the SDGs

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems