CAS Medicines and Medical Devices in Emergency and Disaster 2024

This CAS provides interprofessional training in emergency and disaster pharmacy. In health crisis contexts, including humanitarian and daily emergencies in (pre-)hospital settings, the role of drugs and medical devices is obvious in treating victims and guaranteeing the survival of most individuals.



January 2024 - June 2025
15 ECTS credits
120 Teaching hours




On-site – switch over to online-learning if required


+41 (0)22 37 96570


Registration deadline

30 December 2023
Modules can be followed individually


CHF 4,500.- for the complete programme

CHF 900.- per module (no modular registration for module 4)

Contribution to the SDGs

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


  • Integrate the basics of pharmaceutical crisis leadership and management
  • Acquire extensive knowledge on the logistics, use and management of medicines and medical devices in emergency and disaster situations
  • Apply this knowledge to a professional environment for the benefit of patients
  • Practice interprofessional collaboration and preparedness in emergency and disaster contexts
  • Share experiences with colleagues working in different fields, and understand their respective issues and responsibilities related to therapeutic products (ambulatory, hospital, industrial, administrative, humanitarian and military)


Pharmacists working in the field of emergency and disaster management, including humanitarian and military pharmacists, as well as hospital, community, industrial and administrative pharmacists, physicians and nurses working in a hospital and/or pre-hospital emergency department and qualified paramedics wishing all to improve their specific pharmaceutical, pharmacological, and disaster management knowledge

Learning outcomes

  • Acquire specialized and multidisciplinary knowledge on drugs and medical devices used in emergency and disaster
  • Being able to analyse, judge, decide, provide reasoned justification, and document for complex pharmaceutical issues in new and not experienced health crisis contexts
  • Develop, negotiate and justify alternative ways for the procurement of medicines and medical devices during a health crisis (including appropriate Good Manufacturing Practice-compliant local pharmaceutical production)
  • Being able to independently process, evaluate and integrate relevant knowledge about drugs and medical devices


6 modules

  • Context, Conduct and Health Organisation in Crisis
  • Use of Drugs and Medical Devices in Emergency Situations, Part I: Theoretical Background
  • Use of Medicines and Medical Devices in Emergency Situations, Part II: Practical Applications
  • CBRN Danger: Toxicology, Medical Management and Use of Antidotes
  • Biological Risk Management in Health Care
  • Logistics and Pharmaceutical Production in Disaster and Extraordinary Situation

Portfolio Thesis


Prof. Pascal BONNABRY, Faculty of Science, University of Geneva


Laurence SCHUMACHER, University of Geneva


University of Basel and University of Bern


The Swiss Association of Public Health Administration and Hospital Pharmacists (GSASA) recognizes for Hospital Pharmacy : 150 FPH points per 3-day Module (Module 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) and 100 FPH points per 2-day Module (Module 4); for Clinical Pharmacy : 150 FPH points per 3-day Module (Module 1, 2, 3, 5) and 100 FPH points per 2-day Module (Module 4); PharmaSuisse recognizes for community pharmacists : 850 FPH points for the complete CAS or 200 FPH points per 3-day Module (Module 1, 2, 3, 5, 6). SSMUS recognizes for physicians : 24 points per 3-day Module (Module 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) and 16 points per 2-day Module (Module 4); 136 points for the complete CAS. The Notfallpfege Schweiz, SIGA/FSIA and SSMI recognize for nurses : 450 points for the complete CAS or 60 points per 3-day Module (Module 1, 2, 3, 5, 6).
Our modern societies are especially vulnerable to natural or man-made disasters because of their high dependence on technology and their concentration in urban areas (requiring extensive infrastructure). In addition, globalisation and economic pressure renders stockpiling and availability of essential/necessary goods sometimes difficult.
In this context, as well as in everyday emergencies in pre-hospital and hospital settings and in the humanitarian context, the role of drugs and medical devices in treating victims and ensuring the survival of most individuals is obvious. In this respect, specific pharmaceutical, pharmacological, and technical knowledge but also a sense of priorities and triage are essential for any health professional involved in emergency and disaster situations. This knowledge is often not sufficiently present and disseminated.
Thus, the overall objective of this CAS is to provide a recognised interprofessional postgraduate university education in emergency and disaster pharmacy. It provides qualified pharmacists, physicians, paramedics, and other health professionals with the necessary skills and/or updated knowledge to strengthen their expertise in this specific field.


University Medical Centre (CMU), Geneva


900 CHF


Prof. Pascal Bonnabry and PD Dr Nicolas Widmer


  • Establish a link between risks, threats and appropriate responses to crisis situations
  • Define and understand emergency and disaster medicine and pharmacy
  • Explain the principles of health crisis management
  • Describe the need for therapeutic products in a health crisis situation calculated in quantities in defined daily doses per patient
  • Differentiate the roles of health professionals and their complementarity in the context of emergency and disaster medicine


January 31, February 1, 2, 2024




900 CHF


Dr Laurence Schumacher


  • Describe clinical situations and therapeutic needs in crisis situations
  • Illustrate the specificities of therapeutic products used during crisis and of their logistical handling
  • Develop standard operating procedures and product lists for emergencies and disasters (protocols, kits, etc.)
  • Define interdisciplinary collaboration and working procedures based on the strengths and expertise of each professional in crisis situations


March 2024


Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne


900 CHF


Cap Jean-Gabriel Clouet and Dr Erik Paus


  • Identify therapeutic needs in practice according to different clinical situations
  • Experience specificities of therapeutic products used during crisis situations
  • Apply the minimum standards to be respected in crisis situations (protocols, kits, etc.)
  • Practice multidisciplinary collaboration in crisis situations


April 24, 25, 26, 2024


Federal Training Centre Schwarzenburg (Bern region)


Prof. Mathias Zürcher


AHLS-Provider course, certificate is internationally approved

  • Identify Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) risks
  • Know the principles of self-protection and patient protection as well as the basics of personal and material decontamination
  • Learn the systematic approach to people exposed to hazardous materials
  • Recognise the specific "toxidromes" (poisoning syndromes) and learn the respective characteristics
  • Learn to systematically apply the "poisoning treatment paradigm", including the knowledge and use of specific antidotes


June 13, 14, 2024


University of Bern


900 CHF


Dr Kathrin Summermatter


  • Assess natural and manmade biological risks
  • Elaborate the necessary preventive, protective and hygienic measures during outbreak
  • Assess the role of vaccination in crisis and post-crisis situations (interdisciplinary role)
  • Identify essential antibiotics for emergency or crisis situations and their specificities


September 4, 5, 6, 2024


University of Bern


900 CHF


PD Dr Nicolas Widmer and Prof. Stefan Mühlebach


  • Become familiar with the principle of emergency production and stockpiling of drugs
  • Understand the risks in the supply chain field and manage shortages, including the regulatory issues
  • Describe the principles of continuity planning of distributors and international mission support
  • Recognise substandard and falsified drugs
  • Know the possibilities of emergency production within the Swiss Armed Forces Pharmacy and the essential elements of a drug production facility


November 13, 14, 15, 2024

Pedagogical method

  • Interprofessional interactive teaching promoting reflection among participants including lecturers based on concrete cases
  • Interdisciplinary work is suggested to enrich and complement knowledge and skills of the attendees
  • Social and interpersonal exchanges among the participants and also during the modules are encouraged

Diploma awarded

The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Medicines and Medical Devices in Emergency and Disaster / Certificat de formation continue en médicaments et dispositifs médicaux en situation d'urgence et de catastrophe is issued by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva in partnership with the Universities of Basel and Bern to participants who have met the conditions for testing the knowledge of the modules and the final thesis work.

Admission criteria

  • Hold a bachelor's degree, a master's degree or a university degree in pharmacy or medicine from a Swiss or foreign university, a master's degree or a bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences (UAS) in nursing care or a diploma from an ambulance school or a title deemed equivalent and
  • Have a minimum of 2 years of professional experience with functions or tasks related to the Certificate programme

The Steering Committee reserves the right to accept applications from persons who do not meet the requirements upon examination of their application file and/or to propose an individual interview for a decision.

Steering committee

  • Prof. Pascal Bonnabry (Director), Director of the Specialised Centre for Emergency and Disaster Pharmacy, University of Geneva; Chief Pharmacist, Geneva University Hospitals
  • Prof. Stefan Mühlebach (Co-Director), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Clinical Pharmacy & Epidemiology/Hospital Pharmacy, University of Basel
  • Dr Olivier Hagon, Deputy Head, Division of Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals; Medical Director at the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit; lecturer at the University of Geneva
  • PD Dr Nicolas Widmer, Operational Director of the Specialised Centre for Emergency and Disaster Pharmacy, University of Geneva; Chief Pharmacist, Pharmacy of the Eastern Vaud Hospitals, Rennaz
  • Mr Michael Flück, MPH, Cantonal pharmacist, Bern (External Expert)

Scientific committee

  • Ms Marie-José Barbalat, Community pharmacist, Unisanté, Lausanne; President of Pharmacists without Borders Switzerland
  • Lt Col Stéphane Galy, Chief Pharmacist, French National Fire Officers Academy, Aix-en-Provence (France)
  • Dr Birgit Andrea Gartner, Associate Medical Officer, Pre-hospital Emergencies and Resuscitation Unit, Geneva University Hospitals
  • Dr Sébastien Marti, Community pharmacist, Neuchâtel, pharmaSuisse committee
  • Dr Beat Möckli, Head of Clinic; Operational Director of the Specialised Centre for War and Disaster Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals
  • Dr Erik Paus, Pharmacist and Paramedic, Lecturer at the University of Geneva
  • Dr Kathrin Summermatter, Head, Biosafety Center, Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of Bern
  • Prof. Mathias Zürcher, Associate Professor for Rescue and Disaster Medicine, University Hospital Basel; Head of the Swiss Center for Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Basel

Application File

  • Copy of identity document or passport
  • Passport photo (.jpg format)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Cover letter
  • Copy of the highest educational qualification obtained

Number of participants

The number of participants will be limited in order to preserve the interactivity of the teaching (max. 16).

Cancellation Policy

Any withdrawal before the start of the programme will incur an administration fee of CHF 900.-. Fees will be payable in full before the course has begun.


Swiss Confederation (Centre of Competence for Military and Disaster Medicine, Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit, Swiss Armed Forces Pharmacy, Federal Office for National Economic Supply), Geneva University Hospitals, Inselspital Bern, Swiss Center for Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Pharmacists Without Borders Switzerland and Pharmacy of the Eastern Vaud Hospitals

Sponsored by

Centre of Competence for Military and Disaster Medicine (Swiss Confederation)

Contribution to the SDGs

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts