Pages web inscription en ligne

Executive Training on Civil Aspects of International Child Protection (ICPT)

How to register

To register to a continuing education programme at the University of Geneva, you must have an ORISIS account.

Step A: You don't have an ORISIS account:

  1. Create an account by clicking on this link
  2. Fill in the form « Application form for new user registration in the ORISIS environment »
  3. Check the accuracy of the email address you have indicated as an identifier
  4. Open the email confirmation received on the email address you have indicated. (If you do not receive the confirmation email, check your spams)
  5. Click on the link to activate your ORISIS account indicated in the email confirmation
  6. IMPORTANT: After activating your ORISIS account, go back to this page
  7. Go to step B below

Step B: You have an ORISIS account:

  1. Clear the cache and the history of your browser, close it, reopen it and go back to this page
  2. Click on the link below and log in*
  3. Fill in the application form
  4. Important: On page 2 of the registration form, choose "Online by credit card" as payment method.
  5. Send the application form signed to the address indicated
  6. After having confirmed your application on page 2, proceed to the payment by clicking on the cart-icon "Pay online" button:




Report a technical problem for the online registration: tobias.wehrli(at)
For any questions about the programme: cra-secretariat(at)

* If you have requested a new password, return to this page for step B. In the event of an error message (example: invalid link), YOU NEED TO CLEAN THE HISTORY OF YOUR BROWSER AND CLOSE IT, THEN FINALIZE THE REGISTRATION PROCEDURE.