
Academic journals

Selected internet journals on language and/or education:


Annual Review of Applied Linguistics

The journal provides a comprehensive, up-to-date review of research in key areas of the broad field of applied linguistics.


Applied Linguistics

This journal publishes research into language with relevance to real world problems. It promotes principled and multidisciplinary approaches to research on language-related concerns in the various fields encompassed by applied linguistics. 


Bilingual Family Newsletter

This Newsletter publishes short informative articles on current thoughts on language learning, bilingualism, biculturalism, mother tongue, schools, etc. It also publishes descriptions of how particular families have handled particular multilingual situations, assessing encountered problems and how these were overcome.


Current Issues in Language Planning

This journal provides substantial review studies focusing on the very diverse language policy and language planning literature.


Current Issues in Language & Society

This journal publishes the proceedings of the regularly held Aston Symposium. An invited audience of experts in a particular subject area devote a full day to the consideration and constructive criticism of an invited discussion paper.


DiversCité Langues-Revue et forums interdisciplinaires sur la dynamique des langues

This site (in French) contains an on-line journal and an interdisciplinary forum to promote discussion on language dynamics. The aim is to increase interest in the interrelations between linguistic and sociocultural phenomena.


Estudios de Sociolingüística

EdS targets a specialised national and international readership. In addition to sociolinguistics, EdS leaves room for contributions on interactional linguistics, linguistic anthropology, language acquisition and socialisation, etc.


Evaluation & Research in Education

This journal aims to make methods of evaluation and research in education available to teachers, administrators and researchers. The journal publishes report evaluation and research findings focusing on conceptual and methodological issues.


International Journal of Applied Linguistics 

The International Journal of Applied Linguistics publishes articles that explore the relationship between expertise in linguistics, broadly defined, and the everyday experience of language. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles which show explicitly how local issues of language use or learning exemplify more global concerns. 


International Journal of Bilingualism  

The International Journal of Bilingualism is an international forum for the dissemination of original research on the linguistic, psychological, neurological, and social issues which emerge from language contact. While stressing interdisciplinary links, the focus of the Journalis on the language behaviour of the bi- and multilingual individual. 


International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

This journal aims to spread international developments, initiatives, ideas and research on bilingualism and bilingual education, and to ensure collaboration between scholars and practitioners from different continents.


International Journal of Multilingualism 

The aim of the International Journal of Multilingualism is to foster, present and spread research focused on psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and educational aspects of multilingual acquisition and multilingualism. The journal is interdisciplinary and seeks to go beyond bilingualism and second language acquisition by developing the undestanding of the specific characteristics of acquiring, processing and using more than two languages. 


International Journal of the Sociology of Language

The IJSL is dedicated to the development of the sociology of language and seeks to contribute to the growth of language-related knowledge, applications, values, and sensitivities. Contributions are particularly invited on small languages and small language communities.


Journal of Communication 

The Journal of Communication is the flagship journal of the International Communication Association and an essential publication for all communication specialists and policy makers.


Journal of Language and Politics 

This Journal represents a forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay of language and politics.


Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development

This Journal publishes a broad range of articles on different aspects of multilingualism and multiculturalism (research studies, descriptions of educational policies and systems, accounts of teaching or learning strategies and assessment procedures).


Journal of Sociolinguistics

The Journal of Sociolinguistics is an international forum for multidisciplinary research on language and society, which promotes sociolinguistics as a thoroughly linguistic and thoroughly social-scientific endeavour.



Cette revue illustre les axes fondamentaux de la réflexion contemporaine et chaque numéro est soumis à l'expertise de deux relecteurs anonymes spécialistes de la thématique, l'un en France, l'autre à l'étranger. Les differentes langues, mais aussi tout système signifiant, dans son organisation interne comme dans ses actualisations, sont étudiés. 


Language Awareness

The journal encourages and disseminates work on the role of targeted knowledge about language learning, language teaching and language use processes.


Language and Communication 

This journal is unique in that it provides a forum devoted to the discussion of topics and issues in communication which is of interdisciplinary significance. It publishes contributions from researchers in all fields relevant to the study of verbal and non-verbal communication. The investigation of language and its communicational functions are treated as a concern shared in common by those working in anthropology, the arts, artificial intelligence, education, ethology, language development, linguistics, neurolinguistics, philosophy, psychology, rhetoric, sociolinguistics and the social sciences. 


Language, Culture & Curriculum

This journal provides a forum for the discussion of social, cultural, cognitive and organisational factors relevant to the formulation and implementation of language curricula. Second languages, minority and heritage languages are a special concern.


Language & Education

Language & Education provides a forum for the discussion of recent topics and issues in the language disciplines which have an immediate bearing upon thought and practice in education.


Language & Intercultural Communication

This journal aims to promote understanding of the relationship between language and intercultural communication, and seeks to make an effective contribution to disseminating new ideas and examples of good practice in educating students in language and intercultural communication.


Language in Society

Language in Society is an international journal of sociolinguistics concerned with all branches of speech and language as aspects of social life. The journal includes empirical articles of general theoretical, comparative or methodological interest. Content varies from predominantly linguistic to predominantly social. 


Language Policy

This new journal, launched in April 2002, presents itself as "the first journal to combine language policy and language education policy".This journal presents policies concerning the status and form of languages as well as acquisition policies pertaining to the teaching and learning of languages.


Language Problems and Language Planning

This jnternational multi-lingual journal publishes articles primarily on political, sociological, and economic aspects of language and language use. It is especially concerned with relationships between and among language communities. Articles deal with language polcy, language managment, and language use in international organizations, multinational entreprises, etc. and theoretical studies on global communcation, language interaction, and language conflict.


Language, Society and Culture

Language, Society and Culture is an on-line journal publishing articles and reports dealing with theoretical as well as practical issues focusing on the link between language, society and culture within a sociocultural context or beyond its boundaries.


Llengua i Ús  

Revista Tècnica de Política Lingüística és una publicació quadrimestral de la Secretaria de Política Lingüística que té com a objectiu principal oferir als técnics de planificació lingüística articles amb contingut útil per a la tasca que realitzen. Per aquest motiu, la revista es divideix en quatre grans seccions: Plans i dinamització, Assessorament i terminologia, Didàctica, i Sociolingüística.


The Linguist List-Journals

This website gives a useful list of journals on languages and languages groups, sociolinguistics, general linguistics, and other related areas.


Mercator Media Forum

This annual journal promotes discussion and the flow of information between those who work in or on the non-state languages of the European Union in the field of media. The journal is published on behalf of the Mercator - Media programme at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, with support from the European Union.


Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication

Multilingua publishes research notes, reports, review articles, short reviews, and announcements of upcoming events; it aims to advance cross-cultural understanding through interlanguage communication.


Multilingual Matters

This international publisher is specialising in books and journals on all aspects of multilingual and multicultural education, including second language learning.

This international publisher is specialising in books and journals on all aspects of multilingual and multicultural education, including second language learning.


Sociolinguistica: International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics

This yearbook deals with language problems in Europe, especially with the conditions and consequences of Europe’s economic and political integration. Each volume is dedicated to a particular topic, but contains also book reviews, reports on the sociolinguistic research in individual countries, and a comprehensive bibliography on new sociolinguistic publications in Europe.


World Englishes - Journal of English as an International and Intranational Language 

World Englishes is committed to the study of global varieties of English in their distinctive cultural, sociological and educational contexts. It is integrative in its scope and includes theoretical and applied studies on language, literature and English teaching, with emphasis on cross-cultural perspectives and identities.