
Launch of the MA in Multilingual Communication Technology

Technology has become increasingly intertwined with our everyday lives. Like Hal 9000 in Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), computers today have the ability to understand and speak multiple languages, translate, summarize, organize and provide information. We are able to find all the information we need in our native language with just a few clicks of the mouse, or by using our voice. More and more applications have been created to process multilingual content and there is a growing demand in the industry to manage and organise this content.  

To respond to these needs, the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting has launched a new Master's programme. As of the 2017-2018 academic year, students will be able to specialise in multilingual information processing.

The new MA in Multilingual Communication Technology is intended for people who are passionate about both languages and information technology. The programme will provide you with all the technical and language skills necessary to process multilingual content. Classes have been developed with the professional world in mind. You will learn how to create plurilingual websites and multilingual applications, manage writing, translation and localisation projects, optimise translation technology, manage terminology and find information in multiple languages. You will also have the opportunity to put your skills to work, thanks to a mandatory in-house internship.

What distinguishes the MA in Multilingual Communication Technology from other programmes offered at the FTI is that it does not involve any translation courses and is not aimed at future translators. The programme is available to students who hold a BA in translation, communication, linguistics, computer science, or arts and humanities. It can lead to various professions of the future, including project management, quality assurance management, multilingual webmastering, localisation, translation technology consulting, knowledge and specialised communication management, and scientific and technical monitoring.

Are you interested in the MA in Multilingual Communication Technology? We will be accepting new applications as of the beginning of October. Visit the official page of the MA in Multilingual Communication Technology for more information and follow the Department of Translation Technology's Facebook page for the latest news in the field.

August 23, 2017