Founded in 1978, Parallèles is a scholarly journal showcasing research in translation and interpreting. It is published by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Latest contributions
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Options in the diaphasic intralingual translation of multi-word medical terms: Functionalist and Peircean perspectives combined
Aage Hill-Madsen
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The audio description script through the lens of multimodality. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the meaning codes in Elite
Alejandro Romero-Muñoz
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Representations of nonhuman animals: An eco-translation investigation of English-Indonesian ecotourism articles
Aditya A. Soeta Bangsa, Wening Sahayu & Ingrid A. Gavilan Tatin
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Aiming at a singable Turkish version of G. F. Händel’s duet “As steals the morn upon the night”
Mine Güven
Parallèles 36(2)
Download the table of contents from issue 36(2) of Parallèles (PDF)
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Dubbing as a tool for the integration of older people and language transmission
Maria Montroy
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Representations of masculine speech in the Japanese dub of the movie Call Me by Your Name: Virtual spaces and bodies of otherness
Francesco Vitucci
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An approach to audio description of fear in Spain. A corpus-based study of Spanish horror films
María López Rubio
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Quality assessment tools for studio and AI-generated dubs and voice-overs
Giselle Spiteri Miggiani
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Practitioner perspectives in the French subtitling industry: Insights into collaborative work practices
Sevita Caseres
Published on
Guillemin-Flescher, Jacqueline (2023). Linguistique contrastive : énonciation et activité langagière. Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Book review by Yves Gambier
Published on
Arber, Sophie (2023). Genèses d’une œuvre de traducteur. Elmar Tophoven et la traduction transparente. Presses universitaires François Rabelais
Book review by Lucie Spezzatti
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Cedergren, Mickaëlle & Lindberg, Ylva (2023). Le transfert des littératures francophones en(tre) périphérie. Pratiques de sélection, de médiation et de lecture. Stockholm University Press.
Book review by Klara Boestad