New research reveals how a 252 million year old climate crisis accompanied the ‘Great Dying’ mass extinction event, completely reorganizing the Earth’s ecosystems
Même le phénomène La Niña ne suffit plus à rafraîchir les températures mondiales
Laure Moinat received the Prix for the Best Poster at the
24th Swiss Global Change Day in Bern, April 10th, 2024
Charline Ragon received the Prix for outstading contributions at the WE-Heraeus Seminar in Templin, Nov. 2023
«Pour un accès – véritablement – démocratique aux résultats de la science»
Quels climats pour une planète-océan, et que peuvent-ils nous apprendre ?
Metastability Properties of the Earth's Climate: a Multiscale Viewpoint
Identifying and quantifying deepwater-renewal processes during winter cooling in a large, deep lake (Lake Geneva)
Modulational Instability and Wave Breaking of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Water Waves
Modulational instability in fibers with random dispersion
Dispersive shock waves and Riemann problems in nonlinear optics
Introduction à l'aide multicritère à la décision