Our research focuses on the development of light-matter quantum interfaces that enable quantum communication over extended networks as well as quantum information processing within and across network nodes. This involves studying cavity-enhanced interaction between photons and rare-earth ions (both individual and ensembes) with the goal to create single and entangled photons, quantum memories for light, as well as quantum computing nodes.
Research Themes

Quantum networks

Rare-earth crystals

Photonic-crystal cavities

Quantum light sources

Quantum memory for light

Quantum repeaters

Quantum computing nodes

Together with my colleagues from the Quantum Information & Communication groups at the Department of Applied Physics, we will organise the next Workshop for Quantum Repeaters and Networks. The workshop will take place from Sept. 11 - 13 2024 in…

After having worked for almost two decades with ensembles of rare-earth ions with the goal to create quantum memories for light, we have recently extended our activities towards individual ions. Check out our new paper.

Together with our colleagues Nicolas Brunner, Rob Thew, Hugo Zbinden and Mikael Afzelius, we have been awarded funding through the Swiss Quantum Transitional Measures.

After only three months, we are already making our first spectroscopic measurements of spectral holes burned into the inhomogeneously-broadened 1532 nm transition of erbium in LiNbO3 at a temperature of 1.1K.

After having spent 16.5 years abroad, Prof. Tittel is moving back to the University of Geneva where he did his PhD and several years of post-doc.

Dr. Tittel joins the newly established Swiss Quantum Commission

After a busy week packing, the lab is on its way from Delft to Geneva.

UNIGE and Constructor University announce the creation of a joint Chair in quantum communication. The Chair is to become a part of Geneva Quantum Centre aimed at strengthening Switzerland’s position as a major hub in quantum science and technology.

The Geneva Quantum Centre is a brand new initiative, bringing together all aspects of quantum science and technology at the University of Geneva.

Erell Laot, our first internship student, successfully defends her research project. Congratulations!