
Nov 7, 2023, 12:04 PM
Together with my colleagues from the Quantum Information & Communication groups at the Department of Applied Physics, we will organise the next Workshop for Quantum Repeaters and Networks. The workshop will take place from Sept. 11 - 13 2024 in Montreux.

Nov 7, 2023, 11:18 AM
After having worked for almost two decades with ensembles of rare-earth ions with the goal to create quantum memories for light, we have recently extended our activities towards individual ions. Check out our new paper.

May 30, 2023, 2:29 PM
Together with our colleagues Nicolas Brunner, Rob Thew, Hugo Zbinden and Mikael Afzelius, we have been awarded funding through the Swiss Quantum Transitional Measures.

Mar 28, 2023, 3:10 AM
After only three months, we are already making our first spectroscopic measurements of spectral holes burned into the inhomogeneously-broadened 1532 nm transition of erbium in LiNbO3 at a temperature of 1.1K.

Jan 1, 2023, 12:10 PM
After having spent 16.5 years abroad, Prof. Tittel is moving back to the University of Geneva where he did his PhD and several years of post-doc.

Jan 1, 2023, 10:50 AM
Dr. Tittel joins the newly established Swiss Quantum Commission

Dec 12, 2022, 3:02 PM
After a busy week packing, the lab is on its way from Delft to Geneva.

Nov 30, 2022, 1:55 PM
UNIGE and Constructor University announce the creation of a joint Chair in quantum communication. The Chair is to become a part of Geneva Quantum Centre aimed at strengthening Switzerland’s position as a major hub in quantum science and technology.

Sep 30, 2022, 1:11 PM
The Geneva Quantum Centre is a brand new initiative, bringing together all aspects of quantum science and technology at the University of Geneva.

Aug 30, 2022, 10:31 PM
Erell Laot, our first internship student, successfully defends her research project. Congratulations!

Sep 1, 2021, 10:26 PM
Prof. Tittel starts a part-time position as a Visiting Professor at the University of Geneva.