IOP’s ten outstanding quantum articles published in the New Journal of Physics, featuring Rob and Hugo!


Two articles, “The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view”, and “The SECOQC quantum key distribution network in Vienna”, have both been voted in IOP’s ten outstanding quantum articles published in the New Journal of Physics (NJP) since its inception. This is as part of their celebration of the International Year of Quantum Science & Technology!

Our group leaders Hugo Zbinden and Rob Thew co-authored the SECOQC article, with Rob Thew also co-authoring the Roadmap article. Both articles are large, collaborative, and community-driven efforts.

The Roadmap was a collaborative effort between 18 scientists, who are pioneers in their respective fields, but followed an extensive community consultation process to bring an inclusive European vision. Recognising the significant amount of progress made in quantum technologies over the past decades, this collaboration sought to summarise the more recent advances which had been made and outline the major challenges which needed to be addressed in the coming years. The authors worked together to address all areas of quantum technologies, including quantum communication, quantum computation, quantum simulation, and quantum sensing and metrology.

The SECOQC QKD network in Vienna was the culmination of several years of work by many research groups in Europe to bring quantum communication into real-world networks. The project brought together 41 research and industrial organisations. It managed to bring, deploy, and seamlessly run a wide range of QKD platforms from discrete and continuous variable systems, as well as entanglement-based schemes to realise 8 fibre and free space links. It stands as a landmark achievement for the field that paved the way for many of today’s large-scale quantum communication networks that are being deployed around the world.

Congratulations to Rob, Hugo, and all the authors!

You can read the original articles roadmap article here, the SECOQC article here, with all ten outstanding quantum articles listed here.