Dr. Géraldine Haack
Dr. Géraldine Haack
SNF PRIMA Assistant Professor
Université de Genève
Department of Applied Physics GAP
Chemin de Pinchat 22
CH-1211 Genève 4
Office: GAP 209
Phone: +41 22 379 05 80
Email: geraldine.haack [at] unige.ch
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7893-0177
Google Scholar ID
Research Interests
Mesoscopic physics, Quantum thermodynamics, Quantum transport, Quantum information, Quantum dynamics
I am a theoretical physicist, expert in quantum thermodynamics and quantum transport in nanoscale devices. After a PhD in Geneva and several post-doctoral stays in Berlin and Grenoble, I received in 2018 a PRIMA grant from the SNSF and got promoted as FNS PRIMA Assistant Professor in June 2021. My research focuses on understanding how quantum coherent effects and quantum correlations can be exploited in out-of-equilibirum quantum systems towards energy harvesting, heat management and quantum information processing.
A science school for master and PhD students that I co-organize with colleagues at Unige & EPFL:
Lemanic Quantum Science School (LQSS)
All my publications are available freely on the arXiv.
Group members
- PhD student: Shishir Khandelwal, since March 2019
- Postdoc: Gianmichele Blasi, since November 2021
Past members
- Michael Ronan, Master internship (Germany), March -July 2021
- Daniel Morvan, Master internship (Rennes), April - July 2021
- Guillaume Brouillon, Master internship (ENS Paris), March - June 2020
- Nicolas Palazzo, Master intership (EPFL), Summer project, 2019
- Thomas Kroiss, Master thesis (Unige), September 2018 - June 2019
Quantum Science theory seminar
We regularly invite young and advanced researchers for onsite or online seminars. If you have any interest in our research topics, please feel free to contact us.
2020 - 2021 seminar series (6/19 women!)
- 25/05/2021: Manas Kalkarni (ICTS Bengalore)
- 18/05/2021: Anja Metelmann (FU Berlin)
- 11/05/2021: Jacqueline Bloch (C2N, Université Paris-Sud)
- 04/05/2021: Florian Marquardt (MPI Erlangen)
- 27/04/2021: Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL)
- 13/04/2021: Barbara Kraus (Uni. Innsbruck)
- 23/03/2021: Aashish Clerk (Uni. Chicago)
- 09/03/2021: Cecilia Cormick (Uni. Cordobo, Argentina)
- 02/03/2021: Adolfo del Campo (Uni. Luxemburg)
- 23/02/2021: Henrik Wilming (ETH)
- 08/12/2020: John Goold (Trinity College Dublin)
- 01/12/2020: Gwendal Fève (LPA, ENS Paris), also featured as a QSIT seminar
- 24/11/2020: Dvira Segal (U. Toronto)
- 16/11/2020: Lorenzo Piroli (MPQ Garching)
- 10/11/2020: Benjamin Huard (ENS Lyon), also featured as a QSIT seminar
- 03/11/2020: Christoph Wächtler (TU Berlin)
- 13/10/2020: Cecilia Chiaracane (Trinity College Dublin)
- 06/10/2020: Fabrizio Minganti (Riken Japan)
- 22/09/2020: Udo Seifert (Uni Stuttgart), also featured as QSIT seminar
- Philipp Strasberg (UAB, Barcelona)
- Alain Joye (U. Grenoble-Alpes)
- Oded Zilberberg (ETH Zürich)
- Francesco Giazotto (CNR Pisa), also as Physics Colloquim
Research Positions
- From 01/06/21: SNF PRIMA Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Phyiscs, University of Geneva
- 2018 -2021: SNF PRIMA grantee, Scientific collaborator, Theory group, University of Geneva
- 2016–2018: Marie-Heim Vögtlin fellowship, group of N. Brunner, University of Geneva
- 2015-2016: QSIT-funded post-doc, group of N. Brunner, University of Geneva
- 2014-2015: Post-doc, group of X. Wainthal, CEA Grenoble
- 2012-2014: Post-doc, group of P. Brouwer, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2008–2012: PhD thesis, supervised by Markus Büttiker, University of Geneva
- 2007–2008: MSc thesis, supervised by Enrique Solano and Florian Marquardt, LMU Munich
- 2006-2008: Msc in physics, EPFL
- 2003–2006: BSc in Physics, EPFL