Past Editions

Spring 2016

2 March

Romain Felli (Université de Genève)

La durabilité ou l'escamotage du développement durable.



9 March

Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (University of Zurich)

Distributive vs. procedural justice in environmental risk assessment.



17 March

Erin Kelly (Tufts University, US)

Historically rooted injustice.



6 April

Annabelle Lever (Université de Genève)

Must we vote for the common good?



20 April

Rebecca Reilly-Cooper (University of Warwick, UK)

A radical feminist critique of 'gender identity'.



4 May

Melissa Williams (University of Toronto, Canada)

Mapping the complexity of global justice: a systemic approach.



18 May

Anna Goppel (Bern University)

Residency and immigrants' voting rights.



26 May

Markus Stepanians (Bern University)

The indeterminacy of human rights and the necessity of their positive-legal determination.