Spring 2019
26 February
Shany Mor (Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities, Bard College)
Democracy is being wrong, and that’s all right.
26 March
Joachim Blatter (Universität Luzern)
Transnational voting: A productive role for national people/s, parties and parliaments in European politics and beyond.
9 April
Esma Baycan (Université de Genève / KU Leuven)
Competing research paradigms framing the debate in ethics of immigration: pre- or post-migration societies?
8 May
Francis Dupuis-Déri (Université du Québec à Montréal)
L’école doit-elle former les enfants à la démocratie ? Élection de Conseil d’élèves ou contestation.
17/18 May
International colloquium: Démocratie directe vs Populisme.
17 May: Jan-Werner Müller (Princeton University)
18 May: Maija Setälä (University of Turku); Michael Saward (University of Warwick)
20 May
Ludvig Beckman (Stockholm University)
Democratic inclusion and subjection to norms.