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Call for contribution on transboundary mountain governance


A call for contributions to the special issue « Transboundary sustainable mountain governance » has just been announced by the journal Sustainability. The special issue is co-edited by GEDT member Jörg Balsiger,  and Carolina Adler, Executive Director of the Mountain Research Initiative.

Papers integrating any of the following dimensions that may be of interest to scholars, policymakers, and/or practitioners are welcomed:

  • Origins, design, implementation, and impact of innovative approaches, forms, or instruments of transboundary SMD governance;
  • Comparisons of transboundary SMD governance in different mountain regions, or between the governance of SMD and other domains in the same mountain range;
  • Cross-border cooperation on climate change adaptation in the context of transboundary SMD governance, addressing such aspects as river basin management, nature-based solutions, or disaster risk management;
  • Cross-border (or transboundary) cooperation and governance on monitoring and reporting on SMD (data and information);
  • Understudied aspects of transboundary SMD governance relating to specific actors (e.g., private sector, local governments), modes of interaction (e.g., science diplomacy), topics (e.g., mining, human rights), or instruments (e.g., inter-regional exchange, regional-global linkage politics)
  • Theoretical aspects of transboundary SMD governance such as multi-level governance, polycentricity, heterarchy, pluriregionality, or fragmentation.

The call for Sustainability follows on the heels of another mountain themed special issue currently in preparation for November 2020: together with Martin Price, UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Mountain Development at the University of the Highlands and Islands, Perth College, Jörg Balsiger is co-editing the special issue “How Can Education Contribute to Sustainable Mountain Development? Past, Present, and Future Perspectives” for the journal Mountain Research & Development.

3 septembre 2020
  Actualités 2020