Chercheurs et chercheuses associé.e.s

Rogov Mikhail


Mikhail Rogov is a researcher specialized in a multilevel approach to resilience and sustainability of urban economies. He received a PhD at the University of Lausanne in 2021. In his doctoral thesis, he focused on evaluating multilevel resilience of Russian cities following the economic crisis in Russia 2014-2016 that was caused by international sanctions after the annexation of Crimea and the price decline of main Russian export goods (such as fossil fuel). To evaluate urban economic resilience, he applied a panarchy perspective taken from ecology that implies that multilevel processes are interconnected, and each level has its own adaptive cycle. Analysing two urban levels, he studied the evolution of a network of cities based on multinational ownership networks (macro level) and the evolution of individual cities' economic specialization and diversification (meso level) in 2010-2019, and how processes on these two levels reinforce each other to enhance resilience of urban economies.

After defending PhD, Mikhail had a two-year postdoctoral position at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, where he focused on the micro level of urban resilience, in particular, how local city actors can contribute to urban resilience. In particular, he studied how human capital is linked to the resilience of cities and how it can improve a city's recovery and facilitate the ability to withstand diverse socio-economic shocks.

Currently, in collaboration with the UNECE-UNIGE Centre of Excellence on Smart Sustainable Cities, Mikhail together with Dr Hedjazi is working on a project about International Governance of Urban Sustainability and the dynamics of new platforms, such as Forum of Mayors.

Within the Institute of Environmental Governance and Territorial Development, Mikhail will contribute to the research on the multilevel governance of urban sustainability transition, multistakeholder coordination in achieving SDGs, as well as to developing transversal approaches to cities.

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Research interests

Urban resilience, multilevel approach to cities, sustainability transition, urban economies, networks of cities, complexity, globalization, public-private partnership


Selected publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals

  • Rogov M., Rozenblat C. (2024). Intercity economic networks under recession: Counter-intuitive results on the evolution of Russian cities in multinational firm networks from 2010–2019. Journal of Urban Affairs, 46(1), 90-118. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2041987
  • Rogov, M., Rozenblat, C., Bida, M., & Shutters, S. (2022). Evaluating multilevel resilience of Russian urban economies 2010–2019. Ecology and Society, 27(4). DOI: 10.5751/ES-13691-270437
  • Rogov M. (2021). Integration of Russian cities into global economic networks (2010–2020). Political Science (RU), 4, 161–184 (in Russian). DOI: 10.31249/poln/2021.04.07
  • Rogov M., Rozenblat C. (2020) Delineating Russian cities in the perspective of corporate globalization: towards Large Urban Regions. Cybergeo: European Journal of GeographyDOI: 10.4000/cybergeo.35108
  • Rogov M., Rozenblat C. (2018). Urban Resilience Discourse Analysis: Towards a Multi-Level Approach to Cities. Sustainability, 10(12), 4431. DOI: 10.3390/su10124431
  • Lyakin A. & Rogov M. (2017). Sanctions and counter-sanctions: The use of political tools for economic purposes. National Interests: Priorities and Security, 13(8), 1396-1414. (In Russian). DOI: 10.24891/ni.13.8.1396

Contributions to monographs

Online database

Dr Mikhail Rogov

Chercheur associé


Chercheurs et chercheuses associé.e.s