Associate researchers

Gerundino Daniele


Daniele Gerundino is an expert in the field of standardization and quality infrastructures (the combination of disciplines, organizations and policies regarding metrology, standardization, conformity assessment and accreditation). His primary interests lie in investigating how quality infrastructures should evolve to support and promote sustainability and innovation – and in contributing to the design and implementation of actions to that end.

A Physicist by education and initially focused on an academic career, whilst visiting at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (Stanford, California, USA) in the early eighties, he was captured and absorbed by the booming digital technology revolution. Shortly after Gerundino became an entrepreneur (founding a consultancy focused on emerging information technology areas) and had the opportunity to familiarize with and getting personally involved in the reality and complexity of standards for the information and telecommunication sectors.

He was later selected for the position of Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Geneva – a position that he held for 20 years (1998-2017).


As a member of the ISO Central Secretariat senior management team, Gerundino contributed to improving ISO's performance in many areas, including: strategy management, identification of new fields of work in innovative areas, relations with academia, process optimization, ISO computerization and development of programmes and services to support ISO members from developing countries.

It was in this context that Gerundino was instrumental to establish the ISO partnership with the University of Geneva. He represented ISO and coordinated the ISO academic contribution to the UNIGE Master programme STAREG (Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainable Development) from 2011 to 2020, and later to IHDS (Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability), within which he has been responsible for the Standards and Governance specialization (2017-2021).

Gerundino is a member of the board of the Italian Study Center on Standardization and Professional affiliate with the St. Anna University of Pisa (Italy). He works as independent consultant for organizations such as the World Bank and Unido and supports various organizations in the development of funded projects (mainly European).


Daniele Gerundino CV

Research interests

Daniele Gerundino’s research interests concern the multi-faced relationships between quality infrastructures, sustainability and innovation – including innovation management, with focus on how to direct innovation for sustainability (in a variety of sectors).

Within this broad area, he is particularly interested in the interplay of policies, regulatory frameworks and voluntary standards in support of Climate action and Sustainability, with focus on the Circular Economy and Sustainable Finance.

Daniele Gerundino’s research activities have so far been « non conventional », at least from an academic perspective : he has conributed primarily to the design and implementation of programmes of ISO and other international organizations, and to publications issued by them (for example, he has been the lead author of the publication Rebooting Quality Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future published by Unido in December 2019). More information can be found in the CV.  

However, this may change in the future and Gerundino is open to collaboration with researchers with similar or complementary interests.

M. Daniele Gerundino

Chercheur associé

+41 079 6155 972

Associate researchers