
Continuing Education with the GEDT Hub: take a new direction, expand your knowledge and acquire new skills through an intersectoral, interdisciplinary approach.

The Environmental Governance and Territorial Development Hub (GEDT) of the Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) at the University of Geneva offers professional training courses that draw on the expertise developed by our teams of professors and other staff through their research interests and academic teaching.


Degree and Certificate Courses

> Master of Advanced Studies/Certificate of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Urban Planning (The Master of Advanced Studies course is currently being reformed, with a new version expected for September 2017)

> Certificate of Advanced Studies in Water Resources and Services Management – first version of the new format (there have been two previous versions)
    Course starting in January 2017

> Certificate of Advanced Studies in Post-2015 Sustainable Development – first version of the new format (there have been 12 previous versions)    
   2013 Prize winner in Geneva’s Regional Sustainable Development Awards
     Course starting in January 2017

Further professional development 

> Approaching post-2015 sustainable development systematically

Global Environmental Policy (GEPP): Executive Summer School/Policy Dialogues

Information, raising awareness and distance learning

Sustainable Development in Greater Geneva. Meet academic and local experts.

Geneva Water Hub (a platform for information, raising awareness, research, teaching and networking on Water resources)

> IS@DD (a platform for information on sustainable development) 

> Taking knowledge forward (films of public conferences held as part of the ISE’s programme of Continuing Education on the environment and sustainable development: available online)

> MOOC Water Resources Management and Policy  (September 2015 onwards)

Alumni+  - a network for ISE Continuing Education

A LinkedIn “Alumni+” group enables networking not just between all (former) participants in the Institute for Environmental Sciences Continuing Education programmes but also everyone who has helped to deliver these programmes, whether occasionally or regularly.

Request to join

Twitter for ISE Continuing Education

Follow us on Twitter: @FCISEUnige