Practical Information


Estimated Budget

Here's a rough breakdown of budget indications for a student studying in Geneva for one week:

1. Housing:

  • Shared accommodation or hostel dormitory: CHF 40-80 per night (approximately CHF 280-560 for one week)
  • Airbnb private room or budget hotel: CHF 70-120 per night (approximately CHF 490-840 for one week)

2. Food:

  • Groceries for cooking at home: CHF 50-100 for one week 
  • Eating out at budget-friendly restaurants: CHF 15-30 per meal (approximately CHF 105-210 for one week)

3. Public Transport:

  • Weekly transport pass (unireso): CHF 26 (valid for all zones within Geneva Canton)
  • Single ticket: CHF 3 (valid for 60 minutes)

4. Leisure:

  • Free activities (e.g., exploring parks, visiting museums on free days): No cost
  • Paid activities (e.g., movie tickets, entry fees for attractions): CHF 10-20 per activity

Keep in mind that these are approximate costs and actual expenses may vary based on individual preferences and lifestyle choices. Additionally, it's always a good idea to research and compare prices to find the best deals and discounts available.



  • Average temperature in Geneva in summer: 14°-24° (June) and 16°-27° (July) with peaks of up to 39° during heat waves
  • Some university buildings don't have any air conditioning.


TO plan your stay in Geneva, here are some ideas for accommodation!

Housing can be arranged at Cité Universitaire of Geneva through our office for some courses. Please check on the course page whether housing is included in the course package or not.

Note: We only arrange housing from Saturday to Saturday. Check-in on Saturday before the course starts and check-out on Saturday after the course ends.

Where housing is not included in the course package, Geneva Summer Schools can help facilitate your accommodation search. We can provide you with a list of housing options and connect you with other admitted students also looking for accommodation.

We suggest looking for accommodation in student residences, some of which empty out in the summer. We recommend beginning searching for housing as soon as you are accepted into the program, applying for numerous housing options, and following your applications closely.

Our Facebook group can provide a forum to search for accommodation with other summer school students. This group is private and you will receive a link to it when you receive your admission offer.

University of Geneva residences

Student Budget - Women only

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