Seminar Series



Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation title Time Room
27.03.2025 Anthony Lee Zhang University of Chicago  Competition in the Cryptocurrency Exchange Market 12:15-13:30 PS02
10.04.2025 Francesco Celentano HEC Lausanne Shareholder Activism, Takeovers, and Managerial Discipline 12:15-13:30 PS02
17.04.2025 Konark Saxena ESC Paris TBC 12:15-13:30 PS02
08.05.2025 Asaf Manela Reichmann Universtiy TBC 12:15-13:30 PS02
15.05.2025 Clemens Siam University of Texas TBC 12:15-13:30 PS02
22.05.2025 Simone Lenzu Stern University TBC 12:15-13:30 PS02



(BB) - Brown Bag seminar

Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation title Time  Room
02.04.2025 Mrs. Leonie Brauer GFRI

Hedged vs. Unhedged ETFs: What drives the currency demand of investors?

07.05.2025 Mrs. Phorn-Arpha Phutphithak GFRI TBC 15h00-16h30 302, UniPignon
14.05.2025 Mr. Alessandro Crescini GFRI TBC 15h00-16h30 302, UniPignon
21.05.2025 Mr Daniel Batista da Silva GFRI TBC 15h00-16h30 302, UniPignon

Past seminars >