News & Events

4th session of the Conversations with Academia series


Measuring Progress: Composite indicators - a tool to evaluate progress towards the SDGs

Tuesday 21 May | 12:30 | Library Events Room (B.135), Palais des Nations, Building B, 1st floor

The University of Geneva and the United Nations Office at Geneva invite you to the fourth session of the Conversations with Academia series.

This session focuses on the value of composite indicators for monitoring and evaluation, such as measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The number of composite indicators being constructed and used internationally is growing rapidly. Yet, while the complexity of quantitative techniques has increased, education and training in this field remains limited. By consequence, these simple numbers, expected to synthesize complex issues, are often presented to the public and used in political discourse withou clear emphasis on thei limitations and differing interpretations.

Our panel of experts will address the challenge of compiling and disseminating composite indicators, focusing on the guidelines for LCS (Leading, Composite and Sentiment) indicators, and initiative led by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians.

  • Evita Sisene: Economic Statistic Section, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • Carsten Boldsen: Chief, Economic Statistics Section, Statistical Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • Stefan Sperlich: Professor of statistics and econometrics, Geneva School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva

The session is designed for both non-statisticians and statisticians. Pleas join us!

May 21, 2019
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