News & Events

Philanthropy meets neurosciences


15 October | 17:30 | Uni Dufour, Geneva

On Tuesday 15 October, the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy will held an inaugural lecture entitled “Philanthropy meets neurosciences”. This lecture will be given by Giuseppe Ugazio, Assistant Professor at the GSEM and holder of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations Chair in behavioural philanthropy.

Prof. Yves Flückiger, Rector of the University of Geneva, Prof. Henry Peter, Head of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy and Ariane de Rothschild, President of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations will open the event with a welcome address.

The lecture will be followed by a question & answer session  moderated by Rajna Gibson Brandon, Professor of Finance at the GSEM.

More information on the event page.

October 15, 2019
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