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Highways, Market Access, and Spatial Sorting

Studies have shown that populations increase once municipalities are connected to the motorway network. Expanding on this, new research conducted by GSEM Professor Frédéric Robert-Nicoud and Prof. Raphaël Parchet, from the Università della Svizzera italiana, has been published in The Economic Journal. It looks at the evolution of the composition of households belonging to different income categories that are induced by these changes.

> For more information on this research, please consult the web page published by the GSEM
> To read the University of Geneva press release, please click on the link

> To read the ScienceDaily article, please click on the link
> To read the VoxEU article, please click on the link
> To read the Mirage.News article, please click on the link

> To read the Atlantico article, please click on the link
> To read Le Matin article, please click on the link

> To read the Argovia article, please click on the link
> To read the Gossau24 article, please click on the link
> To read the article, please click on the link

November 3, 2021
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