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GSEM Professor Giacomo De Giorgi and researchers from the University of California Irvine analyzed Experian credit data from 2004 to 2016 for more than 2 million randomly-selected people.

Their research shows that your credit score isn’t just a good indicator of how stable you are as a borrower — it can also predict how long you’ll live. These new findings can’t predict exactly when you’ll die based on a specific numerical change to your credit score, but what this data can do, is identify a large point drop to a person or agency that could stage a life-changing intervention.

This data could help a company develop services that flag a patient as a candidate for targeted financial help, or subsidized health insurance plan. On the other side, this data could potentially make things like health care and life insurance even less affordable, and employers could, theoretically, use this information to discriminate against employees.

> To read the Money article, please click on the link
> To read The Current article, please click on the link
> To read the KOAM News Now article, please click on the link


February 25, 2022
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