LifeLongLearning@UNIGE - Podcast
Managing People & Organisations in the Post-Covid World
GSEM Associate Professor Judith Schrempf-Stirling and Dr. Jean-Yves Mercier discuss how the discipline of management, and the way is it taught at university level, has evolved in the past 10 years. This evolution has occurred alongside changes in organizations themselves, which have had to adapt to employees’ increasing demands for meaning and purpose, as well as respect for their work-life balance in their jobs.
The discussion included how the GSEM Executive Education program has revamped and refocused its Executive MBA curriculum to meet this new paradigm and respond to both market and societal needs.
LifeLongLearning@UNIGE is the podcast of the Centre for Continuing and Distance Education of the University of Geneva.
> To listen to LifeLongLearning@UNIGE podcast, please click on the link