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RSI Rete Uno


Undocumented immigrants? Avanti così

In Switzerland, illegal immigrants (known as "sans-papiers") live in the shadows with the constant fear of being discovered and expelled. Estimated to number 100’000, with a few hundred in Ticino, the question arises - would it be worth facilitating the legalization of those who have been working in Switzerland for several years, who have integrated, who perhaps have children, but who continue to live in secrecy without a residence permit?

This has been done for several years in Geneva and some other cantons, with positive results for the people directly concerned, the State, and social insurance. In Ticino, the proposal for legalization was rejected by the Grand Council, who stated in summary that matters are fine as they stand. But what is the rationale behind this? GSEM Professor Giovanni Ferro-Luzzi participated in a debate organized by RSI.

> To listen to the RSI Reto Uno program, please click on the link (in Italian)

September 20, 2022
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