News & Events

Marcel Paulssen receives the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching


Professor Marcel Paulssen and his team has received the 2019 Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching. This prize, which supports educational innovations at the University of Geneva, is awarded for the project entitled "Institutional project".

The "Institutional Project" is an optional Bachelor course, which based on the principle of co-creation has the goal to involve students in the value creation processes at the University of Geneva ranging from teaching support to the improvement of administrative processes.

Our students are a great source of creativity and ideas, which the university taps through the projects conducted within the framework of the institutional project. In that sense the institutional project is a platform that fosters and enables projects between students and faculty with the overarching goal to make our institution better. The participating students profit from a unique learning situation through close interaction with faculty in real-world projects, that especially in large-scale bachelor programs is normally simply impossible

The award consists of an official letter of congratulations from Credit Suisse, a letter of recognition signed by the vice-rector for teaching and 10,000 francs.

July 30, 2019
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