News & Events

Coronavirus: psychological support for UNIGE staff


The climate of uncertainty and  lifestyle changes (home office, confinement, distance from close family members) generated by the coronavirus pandemic are likely to cause psychological suffering, such as anxiety, confusion, exhaustion, intra-family relationship tensions, feelings of isolation or risky behaviour, as well as loss of orientation and motivation.

Within the Pôle Cité FPSE, the Faculty of Psychology offers UNIGE staff members a telephone line for psychological counselling, support and advice 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (free and confidential). 

This hotline is staffed by volunteers who are completing their clinical psychology training and have received specific training in crisis intervention, under the supervision and responsibility of two senior specialists in psychotherapy (Prof M. Debbané, Dr S. With), recognized at the Swiss federal level. 

In the event of significant psychological distress or problems requiring specific measures, we will be able to assist you in identifying appropriate professionals within the cantonal mental health care network. Our mission is to provide the support, advice and guidance necessary to best meet your specific needs. 

Hotline committee : C. Bendahan, M Debbané, M. Laganaro, C. Mayor, S. With.

April 16, 2020
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