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GSEM working from home: Karine Rama, Administrative Assistant

How do GSEM members experience lockdown and telework? Today, Karine Rama, administrative assistant for the Student Services and president of the Participatory Council shares her experience:


How is your work going, remotely?

Good but even better since I returned to Uni Mail. Since Monday 8 June, I have resumed working at Uni Mail three days out of five.


What has the situation changed for you?

In the positive

  • Less stress
  • More productivity, especially for tasks requiring concentration

In the negative

  • Working 100% at home became cumbersome, especially at the end of the semi-confinement: professional life ends up invading private life

Following these weeks of telework, I realized that certain tasks can only be done in the office.


What has been your biggest challenge during the lockdown?

At the beginning of the lockdown, I had to adapt to telework and in particular get used to my workplace's small computer screen (compared to the large one of the office). There were also technical constraints: I had to give my private phone number to my colleagues, because the app to make phone calls could not be installed on my workstation.

During the lockdown, the challenge was to hold on, taking into account the gravity of the situation, and to exercise at home.


What were the unforeseen benefits?

Living in the city, semi-confinement meant that there was less noise pollution: the human being confined, nature resumed its rights.


What did you miss the most ?

I missed going out during the day: going to the office takes you out. I also missed social contact: I kept in touch from a distance but it is not the same.


What did you like best ?

Less stress in the early morning.


An advice to cope with confinement ?

Get busy outside of work.


How can you describe this period in a few words?

  • Realization - of the situations' gravity
  • Enthusiasm - for telework, for the first two months, since it represented a new experience for me (despite the situation)
  • Slightly lowering morale - at the end of the semi-confinement, notably due to telework


What will you retain after the lockdown?

I think it is important that the work takes place in an office. Teleworking is pleasant, but either part-time, or 100% over two to three days per week, or possibly depending on the activities which require a certain concentration. Going out several times a day is important. Social contact is essential. And I will continue doing sport.


Thank you Karine!

June 11, 2020
  GSEM working from home
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